Well I'm really in the minority here (what else is new?) but my favorite is "Jedi Anakin", the lips were never that much of an issue for me.
"Luke" is very nice but the arms bother me a little so that illiminates him from the #1 position.
"Han" is also nice but as good as he looks, I don't feel they truly nailed his likeness/face. He's pretty good but I think he could have been a bit better.
"Qui-Gon" is pretty good but not a contender for the #1 spot.
"Kit Fisto" looks great but being a "backgroud" character... I just don't see him as #1.
"Mace" probably has the best likeness in my opinion, he's awesome! Still personal character preferances come in to play here (the question is "which is your favorite figure" and not "which has the best sculpt") and there are a few characters I prefer before "Mace".
"Obi-Wan" should have been and would have been my favorite, he was the one I was looking forward too the most... However, after having seen the pictures of the SDCC prototype a few months ago (never should have seen those pictures), I was left feeling under whelmed by the final product. Though he is not a bad looking figure by any means, I have been too dissapointed by this one. He can never be my #1 now.
"Jedi Anakin" & "Vader Sith Aprentice" are very much the same (save the eyes, base and lips issue) but ultimately, "Jedi Anakin" is more versatile. He can be posed as either good or evil ("Anakin" doesn't even have "Sith eyes" in the final battle against "Obi-Wan" in ROTS) where as "Vader" can only be posed as evil. Don't get me wrong though, I'm glad I own both.
So in the end, "Jedi Anakin" is my #1 favorite (so far)!