Jack's Smirking Revenge
should rename thread "how old are you?" 

If we are just talking old-skool FPS's, then how about Jurassic Park on SNES or even Jurassic Park on 3DO?? The 3DO game was horrifying back in the day.
Star Wars stand up arcade.
I was going to say Medal of Honor for the PSX also but if this counts then that one, 5 or 6 years before I played any 'real FPS'. Only I had a sit down one at my arcade with awesome art work on the side.
Non-real war FPS are so much better anyway.
Enough of your lies!
Star did you ever play any of the original Rainbows or Ghost Recon's that were first person?
Unfortunately no I have not those were two games I skipped...though the new Ghost Reacon looks interesting. I think the first Rainbow came out in what 98 or 99, and Reacon around 2002?
Yeah roughly. There were great games. Yeah the new Ghost looks awesome. Does it have a release date yet?
I've heard rumblings around March perhaps?
then counterstrike..
should rename thread "how old are you?"![]()
All I know is it was supposed to have a beta, cause it came with SC Convictions and I've yet to hear anything about it.