Your GOTY 2013

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I bought Tomb Raider for $15 on black friday and started playing it yesterday. While I do enjoy this game and think it is done extremely well so far, it definitley does not hold a candle to TLOU. It is more Uncharted with a female lead. TLOU has a much more engating storyline and you defintley become more attached to the characters.
BO2 for multiplayer & GTA for Single player.

I've not played TLOU unfortunately. After my 2nd PS3 died I didn't replace it because the next Gen was looming by then. This is why I don't understand Fanboys, I have to buy both systems because you end up missing out on great games.

:clap While I do prefer my PS3 over the 360, I'll never understand some people's devotion to a specific system. It's like they have stock in that company or something. Sure it's expensive, but that's the nature of the beast. Buy one, then wait until you have enough for the other or even a price drop.

~~Believe me I want a ONE right now, but I'm gonna hold out for Titanfall to release because that's the only game I think will hold my attention after completing it.
Bioshock Infinite was an unforgettable experience but The Last of Us is a true masterpiece on all fronts. The Last of Us is GOTY 2013 for me.
In terms of pure gameplay and excitement, I think this is my GOTY too. :lol

LMAO!! I'd have to agree as well :lol. The game was insanely fun, and I actually found the storyline much more enjoyable than MGS 4.

I find Rising more sincere than any recent MGS, it's an honest attempt to create an action game solely to make you feel like the ultimate bad@$$. I can't believe the MGS fans who hated this game are coincidentally the same people all over MGSV. C'mon lighten up and have some fun people!
I only play few games so my vote is for Halo 4 on Heroic difficulty for its graphic and excitement... oh wait, it's 2012 game. So I'd go for Last of Us. Gameplay is a little pale compared to Halo 4 because I'm more of a shooter guy, but the story is a top-notch. Worth every penny I spent.
I find Rising more sincere than any recent MGS, it's an honest attempt to create an action game solely to make you feel like the ultimate bad@$$. I can't believe the MGS fans who hated this game are coincidentally the same people all over MGSV. C'mon lighten up and have some fun people!

Well, I hated Rising at first, because the concept of a post MGS 4 setting where Raiden was still dealing with "Jack the Ripper" issues seemed so ridiculous.

But, after playing it (and replaying it for a second time), my opinions have completely changed. Platinum had poured their souls into making Rising. Even as nonsensical as the storyline is, at least it strives to progress the series forward, instead of keeping it stagnated in a retroactive storyline - like what Kojima has been doing with Big Boss.

In fact, I hope that Kojima allows Platinum to handle more MGS projects in the future. They seem to have a very unique take on the series, while in contrast, Kojima has just been struggling to play catch-up with other developers.
The Last of Us easily mops up.

other notable releases:

Tomb Raider (awesome new reboot)

Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag (playing this noe and I love how it has reinvigorated thr AC franchise which had gone dull starting with Revelations)

Telltale Walking Dead

Telltale The Wolf Among us