Super Freak
I'm looking into my crystal ball, and I predict that I will be posting in this thread on Wednesday, as I hold my copy of Batman #17 in my hand.
Just read batman 17. Was actually a bit disappointed. At this point I much preferred the night of the owls storyline. That was stunning. Death of the family started great but I do feel it didn't quite deliver at the end.
While you are at it. Pick up Severed. Incredible mini series.
Oh yeah, thanks. I've heard of that but don't actually have a clue what its about. But will no doubt check it out as I've been bowled over by snyder's writing on everything else so far.
My pull was also very big this week:
Avengers 6
Deadpool 5
Green Lantern 17
Justice League 17
Wolverine MAX 4
Thor 5
Hulk 4
Superior Spiderman 4
Thief of Thieves 12
Revival 7
Daredevil 23
Very good week though, everything was pretty good. My pic of the week is probably Superior Spiderman though. After the 1st issue, I was on the fence because I thought Spirit Peter was going to keep Oc Peter from being "different"; making the book pretty much the same and just ongoing, which is not a bad thing but I was just excited for change. Having read issue 4 now, I think that Slott is doing an AWESOME job at portraying Peter as a "different" person. I always here people bash Slott for his work but he is one of my favorite Spidey writers yet!
I want to give honorable mention to JLA 1. I have seen some really bad reviews for the new JLA so I went in with low expectations which may be why I think it was so good. This issue is more of a intro then anything but it is very well done and gives a nice background on each new character and why they want them on JLA. My intention was only to get issue 1 just to have it and see how it starts, but Im sold for issue 2!
That's a really good shout superior spiderman was really good this week really starting to get interesting
I enjoyed the first two issues. Heard really good things about issue 4 so I might as well keep getting them. Love me some spiderman even if it isn't Peter Parker.