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So I read the new #1s from ANAD....Worst wasted dollars ever, let me tell you that. Doctor Strange is now younger, wearing sneakers, a womanizer and getting lectured by Monako? Ultimate Reed Richards is now a mustache twirling villain? Give me a break. Well, looks like that apart from Moon Knight & Black Panther (and probably Deadpool and the Star Wars stuff) me and Marvel are done. I gave them chance after chance after chance, with NOW!, All-New NOW!, ANAD and whatever other silly nickname they came up with. Indies and DC here I come! So, anyone have any DC books to reccomend?
I honestly feel that Marvel is stretching itself too thin. Too much social guilt in the current character stories. Having thor kiss Cap is the stupidest thing in a while. Just because thor is a woman now, doesn't give them freedom to just start sexualizing the Avengers relationships. Maybe it does but that's dumb.

I may take a break from marvel at some point.
I honestly feel that Marvel is stretching itself too thin. Too much social guilt in the current character stories. Having thor kiss Cap is the stupidest thing in a while. Just because thor is a woman now, doesn't give them freedom to just start sexualizing the Avengers relationships. Maybe it does but that's dumb.

I may take a break from marvel at some point.

Personally I'm all for diversity, but this isn't it. It's just rule 63, gender swapping. As I said in another thread, NuThor has no character. She's basically the 70s girlfriend but with super-power and aaaabbbsss. It's a mess all around, and not only because of that. The constant relaunches, the half finished stories due to the relaunches (Superior Iron Man run for 9 issues, and during the last page we had a fast forward into an unknown time period, giving us one damn panel to "close" the title) and the price increased. Not to mention the downright stupid decisions (sneaker wearing and womanizing Doctor Strange, Cho as a Guido-Hulk, Squirel Girl on a mainstream team, etc, etc). Me, I'm done with it. I've given them a lot of cash over the years and this was the last straw. I want the books I pull to actually make it past #20...
So I read the new #1s from ANAD....Worst wasted dollars ever, let me tell you that. Doctor Strange is now younger, wearing sneakers, a womanizer and getting lectured by Monako? Ultimate Reed Richards is now a mustache twirling villain? Give me a break. Well, looks like that apart from Moon Knight & Black Panther (and probably Deadpool and the Star Wars stuff) me and Marvel are done. I gave them chance after chance after chance, with NOW!, All-New NOW!, ANAD and whatever other silly nickname they came up with. Indies and DC here I come! So, anyone have any DC books to reccomend?

Definitely starting to agree with you. I did enjoy Invincible Ironman though.
I agree Darthkostis. The stories are just all over the place. I take a lot of pleasure in social advocacy multicultural considerations. However, marvel doesn't know what it has and is showing some immaturity at the helm right now. They could have had a femthor with great writing but have really dropped the ball and have further cluttered the universe. I thinks it's cool to see some changes, but they are trying to grab headlines instead of polishing product imho. I think it all needs to relaunch at some point. Just a mess right now.

I may be done soon. I'm only holding on to ant-man, Spiderman, star Lord, and iron man atm. Maybe just drop those. I need to pick DC back up.

Where's a good start in DC? Or some other suggestions.
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Definitely starting to agree with you. I did enjoy Invincible Ironman though.

Oh Marvel has definitely had some good stuff in the past, and Invincible Iron Man was THE Iron Man book for me. It's the one that made me go from "ew, Iron Man" to "cool, Iron Man!". It didn't portray Tony as a "happy go lucky, c@nt with smarts". He actually had character and was more than a walking plot device/deus ex machina. He had depth and the stories were really interesting. Fraction's Invincible Iron Man was THE bomb.

Now if you're talking about the recent, ANAD IM, well, I can't say that I'm a fan. It's mostly because of Bendis though. The man has been using the same voice for all characters for about 10 years. He's writting the same stories over and over, while keeping his character's as cardboard cut-outs. He's moving his stories at a snail's pace, and his pay-offs well, almost never "pay-off". A prime example is his GotG: A waste of a once great title. In the "Planet Venom" Arc, he spent 2 out of 3 issues having the symbiote jumping from person to person. That was it. For 2 issues straight, the only thing that happened was the Guardians wearing the symbiote, in the ship...And after that, he pulled a half-assed ret-con about the symbiotes being 'good" and protectors of the universe! And telepathic and some *****, so now Flash is a space super-hero!.....*******, I hate Bendis....

Another nail on the head wording as usual.

Rule 63 for the modern shipping community.
Oh don't get me started on shipping. I've see some things on Tumblr that no one should see. I've see naked Deadpool butt-secksing Spider-Man while the Iron Husbands are taking pictures. I mean, it's all right and all if that's what gets you off, but please don't tag it "deadpool" and "Spider-Man". Because even if you don't want to find them, you'll do, seeing as they make up about 80% of Tumblr. Hell, there's a whole "Super-Family". Steve & Tony are the dads, Peter is their son, and Deadpool is his boyfriend. And naturally 90% of the fan-art is them having orgies. Again, imagination and fan-fic is fine and all, just please use seperate tags! But oh what do I know? I didn't like Gilien's Young Avengers so I'm probably heading to comic-book Hell...

I agree Darthkostis. The stories are just all over the place. I take a lot of pleasure in social advocacy multicultural considerations. However, marvel doesn't know what it has and is showing some immaturity at the helm right now. They could have had a femthor with great writing but have really dropped the ball and have further cluttered the universe. I thinks it's cool to see some changes, but they are trying to grab headlines instead of polishing product imho. I think it all needs to relaunch at some point. Just a mess right now.

I may be done soon. I'm only holding on to ant-man, Spiderman, star Lord, and iron man atm. Maybe just drop those. I need to pick DC back up.

Where's a good start in DC? Or some other suggestions.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for that as well. In comics, movies, everything. The Green Arrow stories of the past (Longbow Hunters and whatnot) are some of the best I've read. Social-commentary done exactly like it should. Now, the problem with Marvel is that they're taking the easy route: "Look! We have 10 solo female titles!" they brag. But it's not about that. The Titania x Thor fight was one of the most cringe worthy and PC Police/SJW things I've read in my entire life. It was close to being a "This is what a real [...] looks like idiots!" Tumblr posts. It's like those guys who're racist and then drop the "I've got lots of black friends, so it's ok". Yeah, it's not. Marvel's not racist, homophobic or anything like that. They're just trying too much and just can't do it. It needs baby steps. But hey, every time they announce a new "progresive" solo they get tons of free publicity, so they seel 4x the copies they would. They'll of coure cancel the title after 6 months or so, but meh, SJW goal achieved!

Honestly, I wouldn't give Bendis any more money, but that's just me. The guy's a hack, plain and simple. As for the rest, I don't know. If you like the characters keep pulling them, but personally I'm only going to be getting the Star Wars books and my 3 favourite characters from Marvel (Black Panther, Silver Surfer & Moon Knight in Spring). Heck, I even dropped Dr. Strange, since the book was just magical Tony Stark. He even had some Avenger-esque buddies hanging out with him at a bar. I'm done with it, and I couldn't feel happier. I've lost a lot of DC books over the year's, so now that I'm turning over a new leaf, it's like I'm entering a new "universe", since I haven't really read anything DC related for years.

Anyway, as a guy in exactly the same spot, these are what I'd reccomend:

1) Batman: Arguably the best superhero book out now. The first issues costs thousands of dollars though, so if you want a "complete collection", you should get the trades from Court of Owls to Death of the Family.

2) Constantine: The Hellblazer: It's not exactly Vertigo Hellblazer, but it's pretty damn good. The stories are interesting and Jon is still the same rascal. Plus, the art is great.

3) Midnighter: Sci-Fi/Assassin-esque book. If you liked Ellis' Midnighter, you'll love this one as well. Oh, and this is how you do an LGBT solo Marvel, take notice.

4) Martian Manhunter: The best J'onn has looked and read in a while according to most. It's a weird, creepy sci-fi sort of feel. Kinda like X-Files but with super-heroes and a Martian as Mulder.

5) Justice League: It's on #44 now, so you'll have to play catch up, but it's worth it. It starts a bit slow, but after Forever Evil, oh boy, does it get awesome. Luthor joins the league, the New Gods get involved, the Anti-Monitor declares War on Darkseid, the series is just THE super-hero book. Forget about All-New All-Different Avengers, THIS is the super-team book worth reading.

I've also heard good things about: Grayson, Sinestro, Cyborg, Sinestro, JL 3001, Detective Comics, Black Canary, Superman, Wonder Woman, Superman/Batman and Action Comics. Justice League United as well.

Titles you should stay away from:

1) Suicide Squad: God, is this title bad. Just an excuse to publish a SS title.

2) Flash: It's basically the TV show storyline just in comics. Zoom has put together a team of villains to kill the Flash. Plus the story moves at a snail's pace.

3) Green Lantern: After Johns left, the title went bad, fast. The same characters and villains appear over and over again, essentially not creating any new stories. Oh and Hal is once again a renegade! Woo, exciting! Just stay away from it for the time being.
Oh don't get me started on shipping. I've see some things on Tumblr that no one should see. I've see naked Deadpool butt-secksing Spider-Man while the Iron Husbands are taking pictures. I mean, it's all right and all if that's what gets you off, but please don't tag it "deadpool" and "Spider-Man". Because even if you don't want to find them, you'll do, seeing as they make up about 80% of Tumblr. Hell, there's a whole "Super-Family". Steve & Tony are the dads, Peter is their son, and Deadpool is his boyfriend. And naturally 90% of the fan-art is them having orgies. Again, imagination and fan-fic is fine and all, just please use seperate tags! But oh what do I know? I didn't like Gilien's Young Avengers so I'm probably heading to comic-book Hell...
I believe in this modern world you're what they call a cis/binary oppressive bigot.

stop oppressing.
I believe in this modern world you're what they call a cis/binary oppressive bigot.

stop oppressing.
Never! It's my duty as a cisgender man to spread my opression everywhere! Cause I am the villain of this tale, and my goal is to opress the fair maidens of Tumblrland!

*Catch Tumblr-vengers on FOX at 11 every Saturday*
I personally think even with the new 52 DC has hit it out of the park lately. As far as their DC You stuff, I am only reading Grayson and Black Canary and they are both really good.
Personally I just got done with reworking my pull-list and from DC, I'm pulling: Batman, Justice League, Martian Manhunter, Constantine, Grayson & Midnighter.
From Marvel, I'll keep: Carnage, Ultimates, Uncanny X-Men, Deadpool, Star Wars, Darth Vader + Black Panther, Moon Knight & Silver Surfer (when the time comes).
I need something new to read. I just got done with Old Man Logan which I thought was fairly decent. Debating on the new Wolverine book, or the fem-thor.
I need something new to read. I just got done with Old Man Logan which I thought was fairly decent. Debating on the new Wolverine book, or the fem-thor.

If you're staying with Marvel, the only thing I can think of that'll probably be good is the new Ultimates book. Strange is dreadful (it's not Stephen Strange, it's just "Magic Tony Stark" being a womanizer and wearing sneakers), Uncanny Avengers and New Avengers were bad to absymal and in general, nothing from ANAD wowed me, that's why I dropped everything. Captain America: Sam Wilson was enjoyable though.

If you're looking for new comics to pull in general, I'd reccomend:

From DC: Constantine, Midnighter, Martian Manhunter, Justice League, Batman, Grayson, Detective Comics and Black Canary.

From Image: Black Science, East of West, Southern Bastards.

From Others: Everything by Valiant and TMNT from IDW.
Magic Tony Stark is a perfect description of the new Dr. Strange book. East of West is one of my favorites--one of the few books that I really can't wait for the next one to get released.
Magic Tony Stark is a perfect description of the new Dr. Strange book. East of West is one of my favorites--one of the few books that I really can't wait for the next one to get released.

I wish that wasn't true, but sadly...As for EoW, I'm trade-waiting (like I do about most indies, I only pull BIG 2 titles), and the wait is killing me!
I don't read as many titles as you guys do from the sounds of it, but I'm currently reading "Wolverines" - I absolutely love it.

Anyone else checking out that title at the moment? I'm still playing catch up, but I'm about 5 or so issues in.
I'm intrigued by the TMNT/Batkan crossover. I'm sure the story is meh but my inner child is pumped. I'm really interested to see where it fits in the continuum of IDW's TMNT series given the events that happens in #50...
I don't read as many titles as you guys do from the sounds of it, but I'm currently reading "Wolverines" - I absolutely love it.

Anyone else checking out that title at the moment? I'm still playing catch up, but I'm about 5 or so issues in.

Not to be a party-pooper, but you're in for a dissapointment...

I'm intrigued by the TMNT/Batkan crossover. I'm sure the story is meh but my inner child is pumped. I'm really interested to see where it fits in the continuum of IDW's TMNT series given the events that happens in #50...

I'm trade waiting on that (like I do with most minis),but I am curious about the continuity issues as well.
I'm up for anything new or old. I like DC but have always preferred Marvel. The last DC story I read, which was a few months ago, was Red Son. I thought it was pretty good. The last non superhero books I read was Locke and Key which was utterly fantastic.
I'm up for anything new or old. I like DC but have always preferred Marvel. The last DC story I read, which was a few months ago, was Red Son. I thought it was pretty good. The last non superhero books I read was Locke and Key which was utterly fantastic.

Hmm, then I'd reccomend:

First up, the classics: Sandman by Gaiman (duh), Lucifer by Carrey, Hellblazer (Vertigo), Fables, Miracleman

DC: Green Arrow/Green Lantern, Moore's Swamp-Thing, Green Arrow (Longbow Hunter), Hawkworld, Deathstroke: The Terminator, Animal-Man (Morisson and Lemire), Green Arrow (Lemire), Suicide Squad (vol 1), Swamp-Thing (Snyder)

Marvel: Moon Knight (vols 1 & 5), Black Panther (Priest run), Steranko's Nick Fury stuff, Immortal Iron Fist, PAD's Hulk run, Silver Surfer (vol 3, the longest-running one)

But if you want my opinion, and I say that as a Diehard Marvel Zombie for close to 2 decades, Marvel simply doesn't have as many great stories as DC, and that's a fact. Characters are irelevant, but as far as stories go, DC has this. I mean, I can name tons of great arcs or even runs from DC that aren't just euper-hero stuff. Green Arrow dealt with rape, sex, child molestation, political issues, homophobia, etc, etc. Animal-Man really dwelved into the whole environment issue without being preachy. Then you have the Vertigo stuff, which are leagues and bounds above pretty much anything else.
Now, I'm not saying that Marvel doesn't have good stuff. There's Invincible Iron Man, The Night Gwen Stacy Died, Death of Captain Marvel, Infinity Gauntlet, most of Starlin's cosmic work, Extremis, Silver Surfer: Requiem, Brubaker's Captain America, all good stuff. Great even. But thing is, at their core, all of these are just super-hero stories. Villain shows up, hero defeats them, preaches about the American Dream in Captain America's case, and that's it. The difference between the 2 IMHO, is that DC features stories with super-heroes, whereas Marvel puts out super-hero stories. It's a fine line, but one that I think makes all the difference.

I'm not trying to "convert" you or anything, but as someone who was a diehard Marvel fan and thus stayed away from DC's books for a very looong time, I can say safely, from what I'm reading right now, that DC is clearly superior as far as "mature" issues go. Sure, there're still super-hero stuff in there, but I think that there's more there in contrast to Marvel. I've just started reading back-issues and the little few I've read easily puts Marvel to shame most of the time.