Whoo hoo! I just got my $9 back from Amazon on the Avengers 3D Blu-ray combo pack.
Yes, Amazon charges me tax now.
I had the $5 coupon so the total price was $14.99 plus tax!!
"Greetings from Amazon.com.
You saved $9.97 with Amazon.com's Pre-order Price Guarantee!
The price of the item(s) decreased after you ordered them, and we gave you the lowest price.
The following title(s) decreased in price:
Marvel's The Avengers (Four-Disc Combo: Blu-ray 3D/Blu-ray/DVD + Digital Copy)
Price on order date: $29.96
Price charged at shipping: $29.96
Lowest price before release date: $19.99
Amount to be refunded: $9.97 (+ $0.82 tax)
Quantity: 1
Total Savings: $9.97
$9.97 is your total savings under our Pre-order Price Guarantee.
You will automatically receive a refund of $10.79, which includes $0.82 on tax paid. You will receive an additional e-mail when this refund is processed."