Extremely hard to put in a list of 10, I have been buying pf's since the first Vader, and have owned MANY, this is based on what I have owned, and not what I want, since I have owned most of them before and not gone back ( I weed out my collection every year or two).
No order
Baroness, great sculpt, paint, my all time favorite character the fabric was a slap in the face, but will be fixed soon.
Cobra Commander, love G I Joe and so far the line has been really good!
Indiana Jones ROTLA, yeah the jacket cuffs are really ahrd and will break and crack if I squeeze, but so far nothing and it is really perfect other than that.
babydoll, didn't think I would like this more than GG (which is great) but love the pose and action (pics don't do her justice) fabric is well done and face and paint apps are superb!
Captain Hook, I think the best executed pf in the disney line, looks like it jumped right out of the cartoon (evil queen is almost perfect too, just hated how her legs were sculpted together...small nitpick
Lady Death, perfect sculpt, size, presence, paints, one of SS best.
Jessica Rabbit, been waiting for this for a LONG time, yeah she doesn't have a smile, but she didn't always in the movie, alot of the time she had this frumpy frown, and this sculpt captures it nicely, I may still custom a smile on one of the 3 I have. But the dress is sexy, not crappy like the second bunch of pics SS showed, paints look great, and the penguin is a nice touch, also the base that lights up!
Joker, perfection! Fabric is just really well done, and the head is well perfect, and the paints came out super nice!
Mola Ram, not extremely popular, but so perfectly done it is crazy he isn't more popular, head and paints are beautiful, the portrait couldn't be better, love the extra switch outs. Best Indy villain!
Gambit, sold him, but was really well done, Jim Lee head all the way, like how they didn't chicken out with the cigarette.
Honorable Mentions:
Hulk green
Lara Croft Hughes
Red Skull (no nazi sign

yeah I know bad mojo, but wasn't accurate
T2 T800 ( a little foam in his jacket and pants to give him more of a menacing look and he was great
Psylocke (super sexy, but the cracking paint was hard to take)
Black Cat, great sculpt oved the base, hated the fabric, prefer my customized one, and also currently making another right now
Rogue, face it EVERYONE wanted this, proto pics were great, it wasn't until production pieces showed up is when it all went to s*it, fun to customize though
Sabretooth, exc is only way to go, besides the pj's the sculpt was outstanding
Not Released but looking forward to:
Punisher, gotta love classic punisher
Deadpool, this one grew on me, I still don't care for the chicken and wont display, but the sculptis nice
Poison Ivy, super sexy, new pics look great, she will be one of SS best (only wish Harley could have matched this awesomeness)
Batman, can't wait 2 heads, nothing overly spectacular with the pose, but works with him, and love that they went with tthe sculpted cape, this isgoing to be a custom dream job.
Never owned but think they are great:
Dark Rider
Grand Moff Tarkin
Jack Sparrow recent