ZaCHw117's Collection and B/S thread HUGE UPDATE 4/16

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Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

Man, after watching that vid I REALLY want to watch Inception tonight:lol

Just hearing that music takes me back to when I first saw it in the cinemas. So ____ing epic.
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!


I saw Inception a couple weeks ago in a theater again. SO epic.

I've watched it like 3 times the last month, :lol Just bought the Soundtrack last week, sounds awesum in mah car wit me 2 12's. :lol
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

:lol Saw it twice in theatres and a couple times since then. And while the soundtrack is one of the best I've ever heard (I'm a big soundtrack guy) it's not one I would listen to on a day-to-day basis. Tends to ruin the film experience.

Saying that I just listened to a few tracks on youtube. "Time" literally ____s with my mind.:lol
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

Love the new avatar.

Have you seen Goodfellas?
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

It's suppose to be a .gif but it isn't working. :lol :mad:

Love Goodfellas!
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

Good man. Goodfellas is one of my favourites. There ain't a Scorsese film I don't love.
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

If you like Goodfellas then you'll be pumped for these:

Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

Both look fantastic, especially Gangster Squad. Awesome casts as well. Tom Hardy is a ____in badass.

Speaking of Hardy, have you seen Bronson?
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

I think you and I have a very similar taste in films. :D
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

That we do:D

Bronson was the first film I saw with Hardy in it. Blew me away. He was also pretty good in Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. Although that film didn't live up to my expectations. I swear some directors take pausing in scenes to the extreme and call it 'dramatic':lol Such a slow and monotonous film, despite a good story and even better acting.
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

I haven't seen Tinker Tailor.

With Hardy I've seen (in order):


I've also seen him in Black Hawk Down, but I had no idea who he was at the time.
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

Dude you gotta watch Sucker Punch!:panic: It may not have a good screenplay but the action scenes and story are fantastic.

Oh and Thanks for reminding me that I have to watch Warrior :lol
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

I wonder if Sucker Punch is in Redbox.....

You gotta see Warrior, Hardy's best film thus far. :D
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

I freaking loved Warrior, such a badass flick :rock

Sucker Punch was amazing too, but I think it's one of those movies where you either love it or hate it. Hopefully Zach favours the former :D
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

Yeah Ill have to check it out next time I got get some flicks!
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!

You guys Watch Phillip DeFranco? Love this guy....
Re: ZaCHw117's Bats Collection/Learning Photography/Come B.S with us thread!


I have to have this game:lol