Zack and Miri Make a Porno

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Anyone else plan on going to see this tonight? I love Kevin Smith and this looks like it's gonna be a ^^^^ing riot.
I want to see this some time this weekend but it was interesting last night on tv when the trailer was aired it was titled only Zack and Miri.:confused:
Probably just due to people complaining I'm sure.
Got a screening today and it's a good flick. Some big laughs and the cast is great. The film is predictable towards the end, but not in a negative way. Smith is the first director to have gotten a real performance out of Rogen though, so that's good. Banks was wonderful. As an aside, I saw a trailer for a movie she's going to be in (name escapses me) and I just saw her in W. It seems like she's in practically everything nowadays.
Just saw the film - I'm not a fan of Smith's films but this was one of his better ones. Even Jay was tolerable and I hate that guy. Elizabeth Banks is a star - her performance elevates the film above a typical Smith film - most of time he seems to use his friends who can't act in any way, shape or form.

I even laughed a couple of times - which I haven't done at a Smith film since the first time I saw Clerks.
Just saw it tonight. I'll concur on some of the predictability issues, but overall, I really liked it. I like a lot of Kevin Smith's movies, so I laughed quite a bit during this one. I think I still liked Clerks 2 better, but this one is pretty good too!
I have to admit that I don't enjoy Kevin Smith's movies. I know he has a following, but his work just doesn't click with me. So this one isn't high on my list of must-sees.

I've tried to make myself appreciate his stuff, but no luck so far.
Looks pretty crappy to be honest, and i really am tiring off friends using friends, ie Seth Rogen and his lack of acting skills and plain annoying fatness. Although i love that chick, total babe! Just going to see it for her lol
Two words

^^^^ing Hilarious

If you like the previous Smith films (Jersey Girl not withstanding) go see this.
I liked Jersey Girl! (yes, I'm sure I'm the only one :monkey2 )

I too enjoyed Jersey Girl.

Saw it last night and thought it was frakkin hilarious. Much like Smith's films, the secondary character were MUCH funnier than the leads; don't know if he means that, but it just seems to go that way.

The best part of the movie...

"I'm in the close out for the exit.... PLAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW"
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Oh ^^^^, this movie was ^^^^ing awesome!!!! Craig Robinson almost stole the show! Dude is funny as ^^^^!! And I loves JW in this, he was classic as always!!

Katie Morgan was hot, Traci Lords was old and Jeff was good as well. Banks was hot, but I didn't like her performance as much as Rosario Dawson in "Clerks 2".

Was an excellent movie and of course a ^^^^ing amazing KS movie!! Kinda sad not to see him in the movie though. I always love the parts he writes himself so much!! lol

Favorite line:

"What? Han Solo ain't never had no sex with Princess Leia in the Star War!"


"That ^^^^^ frosted me like a cake!"
For just a film it was pretty good...

For a Kevin Smith film... pretty bad...

I expected more clever dialogue... Kevin Smith films are usually, a mix of raunchy and clever. We got the raunchy but it was not as clever and smart as most of his films usually are.

The exception "Jersey Girl" ... Not clever, not raunchy, not nothing.
I loathe Kevin Smith, and don't really care for any of his films that much. I mean they're ok but i don't gut bust. That said i always give the movies a go so i'll see it when it hits DVD.
For just a film it was pretty good...

For a Kevin Smith film... pretty bad...

I expected more clever dialogue... Kevin Smith films are usually, a mix of raunchy and clever. We got the raunchy but it was not as clever and smart as most of his films usually are.

The exception "Jersey Girl" ... Not clever, not raunchy, not nothing.

Thinking about what you said, I am liking Clerks 2 better the more I think about it. The dialogue was better the characters.

And nothing in my life beats the Pillow Pants discussion!!!!
Finally got to see this yesterday... f'n hilarious movie!

So many laugh-out-loud parts and unexpectedly graphic scenes!

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