Super Freak
I'm not going anywhere near those leaks, don't want any of it spoiled. The new Knightmare Joker BTS that Zack posted is really cool. I'd love more of Jared's Joker with Affleck's Batman. Super excited to see it on the 18th!
Snyder's WW justmurdered those guys in the opening scene of the film.WTF
The initial problem with the Justice League movie that has been discussed among my peers over the years is that the DC cinematic universe was rushed to try and catch up with Marvel. They tried to compact everything into one film and in such a short amount of time instead of pacing events like Marvel has.
And it appears Warner Bros. has given up on the DC movie universe by producing DC films in disarray with different characters that have no connection. Henry Cavill has been let go as Superman.
Patty Jenkins disenfranchised Gal Gadot?s Wonder Woman by firing the initial DC writer and Zack Snyder?s team from WW84, who had contributed to the success of the 1st film. Wonder Woman 84 was a massive disappointment in contrast to the 1st movie.
It seems the DC movie universe is no more.
You can definitely feel it in BvS. I suspect Snyder was told to squeeze in the Justice League. I bet if he had more freedom, the movie would have been more focused.
Yes, it was obvious to me, the fact the movie was delayed a year from its original release date, and the Doomsday sequence felt tacked on. I still think Zack did a sterling job considering what was asked of him.
I remember that very well. What do you think the original story was? Maybe it was simply just Lex manipulating Batman and Superman, just without doomsday, and without the forced JL cameos?
If they focused on that the movie could have come out much better for it. More focus on Supes and better charger motivations were definitely needed
No doubt. That movie was riddled with studio meddling. That?s why I scratch my head when people say it was a masterpiece cause that?s clearly not what snyder wanted. I don?t see him agreeing to doomsday and justice league cameos . He just rolled with it I guess
WB has now added Iris from JL into the Flash movie confirming that they are now open to continuing the Snyder version of the DCEU in future movies
Well, so long as they use the same actors the movies will be part of the same universe. But they've said Snyder himself will have no further involvement.
Until he does.