Ok fine there was tragedy in his life that he had to deal with no one is disputing that but him walking is not on WB that is all on Snyder .
Wait just one moment
Snyder?s new interview from today he admits that he went to WB and asked to walk away from his DCEU it was 100% of his own doing WB never asked him to leave or locked him out of the editing room.
WB and Whedon have been called every name in the book for destroying JL but....
Ok fine there was tragedy in his life that he had to deal with no one is disputing that but him walking is not on WB that is all on Snyder .
How come he left the film?
This isn't new information, it was explained why he stepped away from the start. Doesn't mean that whedon et al didn't completely ruin it with unnecessary reshoots and bad decisions
His daughter committed suicide
Why not just have Snyder do a JL2 to finish off his universe if it is well received?
?DC?s Lord of the Rings. Simple as that. Epic and grand, JL is led by great performances, especially from Ray Fisher.?
Lol Oh gee I wonder who wrote that one? and greatest DC movie ever made? Lol hooooo boy
I can?t wait for the fan wars to pop off the weekend. We?ll have Snyder tards vs mcu tards vs anti Snyder fans vs dc comic fans vs casual movie goers. This will be more epic than the TLJ wars
Maybe Ray Fisher will win a posthumous Oscar.![]()
Lol dude is so far up his own ass. Why did you guys gas this guy up so much . Lol now he wants to be a cult leader .
Gonna make u drink the the Superman flavored juice
He's right about Aquaman. That film made the most forgettable billion dollars in recent history. However, there's no BVS cult, imo....unless you call the Snyder fans a cult, in which case he's right.