The Flash is also releasing in 2022 with Ezra Miller as Flash and Ben Affleck as Batman, so it's clearly not dead.
The fundamental identity of Batman is not crossing that line. His entire character is based around his code. If you have to ask yourself why it makes no sense, you haven’t read Batman. Your answer, as well as Snyder’s, is “who knows.” That about sums up the choices made in this movie. Snyder turned Batman into a guy who shoots guns. He completely tore down what makes Batman Batman and gave us The Punisher with a bat symbol. It was utterly terrible. He gave us a Batman that had no real plan throughout the movie and relied on faith. Batman, the guy with contingency plans for his contingency plans, relied on faith and the goodwill of a returning Superman. lol. That isn’t Batman at all. His entire arc from BvS to JL doesn’t make a lick of sense.
You aren’t allowed to say that. I’ve mentioned that fact three times. Nobody can comprehend it.
The #RestoreTheSnyderVerse is hilarious and will be dead after The Batman releases in 2022.
Well, people said the same thing about The Snyder Cut so I wouldn't speak in absolutes, especially in this day and age where are there are countless streaming services competing for viewers. Granted given the property rights it's likely to be either a WB theater release and/or a HBO Max release, but WB might also consider co-funding the project (& sharing the risk) with someone else. Let's face it, the BIG reason the Snyder Cut happened was that most of it was already bought and paid for, but next time around that won't be the case.
The fundamental identity of Batman is not crossing that line. His entire character is based around his code. If you have to ask yourself why it makes no sense, you haven?t read Batman. Your answer, as well as Snyder?s, is ?who knows.? That about sums up the choices made in this movie. Snyder turned Batman into a guy who shoots guns. He completely tore down what makes Batman Batman and gave us The Punisher with a bat symbol. It was utterly terrible. He gave us a Batman that had no real plan throughout the movie and relied on faith. Batman, the guy with contingency plans for his contingency plans, relied on faith and the goodwill of a returning Superman. lol. That isn?t Batman at all. His entire arc from BvS to JL doesn?t make a lick of sense.
The last sentence is key. I don?t see WB starting from the ground up and spending hundreds of millions over multiple movies to complete his vision when they are already branching out to a new universe with The Batman. I think the streaming numbers for this will ultimately be flat when compared to shows on Disney+. The hype is only coming from the Snyder Fans. This truly reminds me of the Sequel Trilogy popularity. Those on twitter and tumblr love it. In the real world, it is at best a meh. Same thing can be said about ZSJL. Loved by the diehards who got it made, but the general population probably doesn?t have much care one way or the other.
Genuinely curious... why are so many of y?all saying ?comic fans will love this? when most of the characters... and I mean everyone but Superman, aren?t even close to representing their comic counterparts. Aquamomoa, Gollumborg, Punisher Batman, Autistic Flash, Wonder Gadot, Lame Lois, ?Lex Luthor,? nothing like the comics. Not even close to the comics.
I truly don?t understand the love for any of these.
Aquamomoa - Literally Jason Momoa and Khal Drogo. Acts nothing like Aquaman. Dude is a drunk, tatted up, brown hair...
Punisher Batman - Not even Batman in this movie. Shoots and kills.
Gollumborg - Completely negative, squeaks when he moves, walks like Gollum
Autistic Flash - Doesn?t look like Barry, isn?t smart like Barry, he is literally the Jar Jar Binks of the Snyderverse. You have to admit it, he really is.
Lame Lois - Red head, Amy Adams looks are very meh
Lex Luthor - I think even the biggest SnyderDemons hate him.
For the 7 people who said I don?t want to have a discussion and even posted after I made this, I?m waiting for a reply.
Don't know if I'm a among those seven, but...
I think the basis for your argument is faulty. You're assuming that comics fans only like one representation of their heroes. If that were so, people would hate the MCU's Thor, Nick Fury, or Nolan's Joker, among others.
Snyder's versions of the DC heroes are different from their comics' usual representations, but to a lot of people they are interesting and even have become definitive.
But to comment on your issues with these specific characters:
Aquamomoa - Literally Jason Momoa and Khal Drogo. Acts nothing like Aquaman. Dude is a drunk, tatted up, brown hair...
I don't remember Khal Drogo being a gruff, yet good natured dude who spent his time saving people. I think you're confusing physicality with personality. But this isn't the comics' Aquaman yet, is he? That will only happen once he really gets into his own, presumably in Aquaman 2, after he assumes his role as King of the Atlanteans.
Punisher Batman - Not even Batman in this movie. Shoots and kills.
I already explained my thoughts on Batman in earlier posts. IMHO your objections stem from not understanding the moment in Batman's life that Snyder is showing us. And, Batman has killed before in movies. The rest is pure prime Batman: the physicality, the outfit, the detective work, the gizmos, the millionaire persona (shown more in BvS).
Gollumborg - Completely negative, squeaks when he moves, walks like Gollum
Can't say much about this, I don't know the character. I will say though that it seems like a realistic way of portraying a man who has been transformed into whatever it is that Cyborg is. I mean, I would effing freak out. At any rate, your comments "squeaks when he moves, walks like Gollum" are very petty and glib.
Autistic Flash - Doesn?t look like Barry, isn?t smart like Barry, he is literally the Jar Jar Binks of the Snyderverse. You have to admit it, he really is.
Isn't smart? He literally made a super suit in his basement and he isn't smart? As for being the Jar Jar of the Snyderverse, if you equal comic-relief with Jar Jar, then yeah, sure. And no, you're right, he doesn't look like the comics' Barry, no argument there.
Lame Lois - Red head, Amy Adams looks are very meh
You're judging the character on her looks? Ok... Way I see it, she's portrayed as a clever, resourceful reporter, which is what I always thought were Lois Lane's main characteristics.
Lex Luthor - I think even the biggest SnyderDemons hate him.
Not much I can say here to be honest. He's nothing like what little I've seen of him in the comics other than being a genius millionaire who has a beef with Superman, but it's certainly a very different characterisation. Having said that, I like this take, seems very timely (young tech mogul).
What about Wonder Woman?
The Flash is also releasing in 2022 with Ezra Miller as Flash and Ben Affleck as Batman, so it's clearly not dead.
I think that's the entire point of Snyder's movies.
He's showing us a Batman that has pretty much gone over the edge and stopped being the Batman he's was and is supposed to be. It's pretty clearly laid out in BvS, Alfred points it out to him (and the audience). Snyder is showing us a redemption arc for Batman. He does a similar thing with Superman, he doesn't just plunk the Big Blue Boy Scout on us, he gives us a Superman who is finding his way in a world that is divided and divisive. In ZSJL we finally see him understanding and accepting his role (his speech to Lois about being given a second chance). The last scene of him doing the Chris Reeve thing is just that: here's Superman.
Someone earlier had posted a link to an article stating it's IMDB score of 8.9 was the 2nd highest all-time for a CMB movie. Well I just checked and it's already down to 8.4 and the weekend isn't over, so I think it's still way too early to label this a resounding success or a failure.
Snyder's vision was or is, and it's also in my mind fairly niche, it's a niche style of [a] movie within a genre. And it reflects in the audience reviews and critics reviews, it's divisive. When anything is niche, it's gonna be liked and loved by some, and disliked by others. That's the whole point of niche, so, yeah.
I think a lot of those reviews are disingenuous to begin with. I think it is getting 10/10 for the fact that it got made and the fact that as we both said earlier, the people reviewing this are already fans of Snyder?s vision and won?t be a fair judge.
Cavill said it best on Snyder
The hype, the praise, the reviews are from that niche part of the general superhero/comic/film base.
I completely agree re this iteration of Batman.
Oh yeh the suit is practically perfect and Affleck does an ?ok? job, but for me the entire make up of his character is laughable and not Batman in any way.
(The Dark Knight Returns similarities aside of course).
Another thing DC needs to stop doing is all these damn tdkr movies. Nolan and Snyder adapted them. Such an overrated story .
Joker (film) also borrowed from TDKReturns.![]()
I think the MCU also borrowed from TDKReturns.![]()
They borrowed its box office and never returned it. Rude!![]()