Zack Snyder's Justice League

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Re: Zack Snyder's Justice League coming in 2021

:lol :lol :lol

We demand the real Snyder cut lol

Isn?t the going story for the better part of 2 years now from that JL fallout that Cavill was kissing ass with Whedon advocating for his JL hiring possibly jocking for an MCU entry which offended Snyder and his wife.

Wasn?t Snyder the last to jump onboard the release the Snyder cut bandwagon.

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According to who exactly? That's the first ive heard of it. The reason Cavill never supported the Snyder cut to begin with is because he didn't want to do anything to piss off WB, especially if he's still trying to get a bigger contract as rumors suggest. Now that we actually are getting the Snyder cut that's probably why cavill can be more vocal about it.
Re: Zack Snyder's Justice League coming in 2021

Just the mere fact that it isn?t getting a theatrical release already makes it seem less special.

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Re: Zack Snyder's Justice League coming in 2021

My sentiments also.

By ?one off,? I presume he meant that it not be connected to the DCEU/Snyder-verse, hopefully like Pattinson Bats, just worded incorrectly. And yeah, I agree the the ones who have their heads up their collective ***** on this is WB. All they were concerned with was playing catch up to the MCU as quickly as possible, whose universe was already well developed.

Yes, correct.

If this does end up being very successful, why are we so quick to dismiss the chance of there being a final movie with Darkseid? Just because of Batfleck?
Re: Zack Snyder's Justice League coming in 2021

I'm not sure how much $20 million will be able to fix.

I worry about this.. If we only seen 15% of Snyder's cut that is a lost of post production that has to be done..

If it can be done it will be interesting to see for sure. I don't even hate the JW cut of Justice League.. It has that Superfriends vibe to it and I went along for the ride.. It is crap though :lol

Just the mere fact that it isn?t getting a theatrical release already makes it seem less special.

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I am cool with it. Ridley Scotts Kingdom of Heaven DC was EPIC and the DC of Troy was a much better film.. I never expected this one to get a theatrical release. I always figured straight to video for it..

But a theatrical release would be cool... If we can go to the theaters by then :lol
Re: Zack Snyder's Justice League coming in 2021

Yes, correct.

If this does end up being very successful, why are we so quick to dismiss the chance of there being a final movie with Darkseid? Just because of Batfleck?

If it does become successful then it will show WB are idiots and should of left it alone and they will shoot themselves in the foot now cause they have a new Batman who is vastly different from the JL one.
So now these idiots will either make the next snyder verse film orrr go forth with this new Batman universe. Thats ONLY if this is successful. IMO I don't think the Synder cut is any different but apparently it is.

If this is succesful they may try and say Pattison is the afleck Batman just younger but that wouldn't make sense since this Batman takes place in modern Gotham.

Idk. WB are just stupid.
Re: Zack Snyder's Justice League coming in 2021

Most of the visual effects are done supposedly. Justice league was already well into post production by the time Snyder got the boot. The 20-30 million is to finish a few scenes.
Re: Zack Snyder's Justice League coming in 2021

Terrible news. Hasn't the DCEU ruin enough storylines and characters that wont get a chance to make a good first impression again. The ONE thing they didn't ruin was Darkseid, and now that's over too...:gah:

Re: Zack Snyder's Justice League coming in 2021

Don't be silly, it won't ruin anything, it'll just be an else-worlds version if you don't like it.
I don't like Keaton's Batman, and that never ruined Batman for me.
Re: Zack Snyder's Justice League coming in 2021

Don't be silly, it won't ruin anything, it'll just be an else-worlds version if you don't like it.
I don't like Keaton's Batman, and that never ruined Batman for me.

He's kinda right though. I would have loved to see a Death of Superman (Doomsday) live action movie done well but they cut it down to a 15 minute craptoid, crammed it into BvS and it's the reason many people hate that movie. They might take the wrong message from that. So I think our chances of it ever being done properly have taken a serious hit.
Re: Zack Snyder's Justice League coming in 2021

Terrible news. Hasn't the DCEU ruin enough storylines and characters that wont get a chance to make a good first impression again. The ONE thing they didn't ruin was Darkseid, and now that's over too...:gah:


BRB, gonna start a "1/6th Scale Hot Toys MMSXXX Darkseid: Justice League: Snyder Cut: Speculation" Thread.
Re: Zack Snyder's Justice League coming in 2021

I never thought I would ever say this, but I am EXCITED for the Snyder cut. I never saw the Whedon POS cut. And glad I never did. It looked awful. Day one for me.

Don't be silly, it won't ruin anything, it'll just be an else-worlds version if you don't like it.
I don't like Keaton's Batman, and that never ruined Batman for me.

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Zack Snyder's Justice League coming in 2021

Most of the visual effects are done supposedly. Justice league was already well into post production by the time Snyder got the boot. The 20-30 million is to finish a few scenes.

So are Affleck, Cavill, Gadot, Ezra, Momoa, Fisher, JK Simmons, the writers and producers and their agents and lawyers doing this for free out of the kindness of their hearts.

WB are really counting on those monthly subs lol

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Re: Zack Snyder's Justice League coming in 2021


He's kinda right though. I would have loved to see a Death of Superman (Doomsday) live action movie done well but they cut it down to a 15 minute craptoid, crammed it into BvS and it's the reason many people hate that movie. They might take the wrong message from that. So I think our chances of it ever being done properly have taken a serious hit.

No matter how it turns out, we'll eventually get another Superman vs. Doomsday and another Superman vs. Darkseid showdown... I mean, how many times have we seen the Joker on screen now? So if you hate how it pans out, don't worry, you'll get another shot at it.

I never thought I would ever say this, but I am EXCITED for the Snyder cut. I never saw the Whedon POS cut. And glad I never did. It looked awful. Day one for me.


I know, I know... :lol
I just never believed the physicality or looks of Keaton for Batman/Bruce Wayne. And I was there, opening night, back in '89.
Re: Zack Snyder's Justice League coming in 2021

How do you hate the coolest looking Batman sheesh at worst he is the second coolest looking Batman behind BvS.

What?s next you hate Selma Hayek in From Dusk Till Dawn lol

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Re: Zack Snyder's Justice League coming in 2021

I know, I know... :lol
I just never believed the physicality or looks of Keaton for Batman/Bruce Wayne. And I was there, opening night, back in '89.

I was there opening night in 89 as well and it was actually the *Joker* that put me off the most on my first viewing. The trailers made it look like he was going to be a Ledger type Joker and then in the movie he's all silly with the goofy leg kicks and fart sounds, a lot of his antics really took me out of it. I always though Keaton was cool though.
Re: Zack Snyder's Justice League coming in 2021

I was there opening night in 89 as well and it was actually the *Joker* that put me off the most on my first viewing. The trailers made it look like he was going to be a Ledger type Joker and then in the movie he's all silly with the goofy leg kicks and fart sounds, a lot of his antics really took me out of it. I always though Keaton was cool though.


I was like what the hell did Jack just burn that guy straight into a fake looking skeleton lol

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