Broke and happy
Re: Zack Snyder's Justice League coming in 2021
DC makes some great animated content too, so a bit more surprising they haven't really figured out how to develop a string of good interconnected content. The MCU feels more like a spiritual successor to the Justice League Animated series than the DCEU at this point.
Who the **** is Fisher?
I fail to understand the love everybody has for DC's animated movies.
I must've watched three or four, and frankly, they're not terribly good IMHO... I couldn't even get into the ones based on great comics, like TDKR or Killing Joke...
But hey, if you guys like them, good for you!![]()
I think it started from all the good faith built by Bruce Timm's BATMAN Animated Series and every series that followed that style (Superman, Justice League, JLU, etc.). So that anything stamped with "DC Animation" is carrying the mantle of the Timm series' success and the good will they built up with fans from it.
You're right though, some of their movies aren't that great. But overall, DC Animation has a positive reputation.
Zack Snyder Filming New Justice League Scenes in October
How many subscribers will WB need just to break even on this project again that Ray Fisher legal battle won’t come cheap.
Release the Fisher Transcripts lol
Watch Warner Bros now accuse Fisher of extortion by claiming that he offered to drop all complaints only if they give him a Cyborg movie.
Nothing WB says can ever be believed.
I have never seen a studio make decisions in this manner.
Now Ryan Reynolds supposedly met with Snyder for a GL cameo.
When it comes to WB who the heck knows.
Grace is upset that the all the focus is on Fisher and not Snyder Cut and she said WB still hates Cavill lol
So we had the Cavill CGI-OFF mustache superman situation with the first release. Will we have Affleck cgi reduced- waistline batman be the next meme?
Actually Ben looks great now. He?s back to health thank goodness
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Great news to hear that they are investing more time into the SnyderCut, and it's specially encouraging to hear that Fisher's also in.