Uncanny Web-Slinger
Super Freak
To me if you love or hate a movie, whether your a guy or girl, it doesn't really matter. The whole chick/guy flick thing is kind of silly. Girls can like "300", guys can like "Sucker Punch". I like "Sleepless in Seattle" and "When Harry Met Sally" which people always label as chick-flicks. To me they are just great movies...
I like quite a few chick flicks like Dirty Dancing, Footloose, a bunch of katherine Heigel films too

I can see how on an emotional level it could be consider a 'chick flick'. There are aspects that only a women could relate to.
Sisterhood, in a literal sense for two of the characters and using their sexuality as a weapon which they shouldn't have to but like in reality many women do have to.
I'm not gonna linger here, trolls wil come in make stupid comments, piss people off and leave.