Does anyone have information about the date of release to the market of this figure?
Initially they said they would be in the market by December 2017, a lot of time has passed and I have not found any information.
Timewalker toys updated my order a while ago and said that the figure was delayed until first quarter 2018 - unfortunately we're already pretty far past that and there have been no additional updates since.
Thanks for the info. I asked Zenpunk through his Facebook page, both by public message and by private message, and I did not get any response. I hope it is because they are focused on their production, but it would have been nice if they had delivered a message about the delay.
So is this company legit or what? I’ve had this on order for years and there are never any updates...did we get M8’ed?
Awhile ago, I went back and forth with Steven from TimeWalker, who has been good and responsive to me when I ask for follow up on orders. He shared the following:
"As for Baron Faraii, this has been a four year saga, only two years of which has it been a preorder. Wayne Barlow is a personal friend of mine, but not even he can get solid and accurate information from the factory about when it is actually arriving. Until we have solid information, all we can do is post the latest word on the product record, which is currently set for 2nd Quarter 2019 When we do get information we can count on, we will send out the next newsletter."
That's the latest I had. It's been awhile and we're cruising toward third quarter. TimeWalker is legit, though, and I take Steven at his word. TimeWalker has always been good to me. You guys know how some of these preorders go.
Already gave up on’s probably not happening. I was able to get a refund thankfully timewalker has amazing customer service
Yep, me too. It's a shame because that thing looks amazing and unique.
It's crazy that the figure actually released. And crazy that it actually looks so good. I trust that the build quality is strong??
Usually with stories like this, the final product ends up being a pale comparison to what was originally offered. I noticed that it was in Timewalker's Imminent Arrival section the other day, I wondered if anyone here got one. Thanks for letting us know.
It's great that those who stuck with it ended up with such a unique figure.