Best pics so far Mags. The trevor head looks especially good there bud! Really, really nice.
By the way, I contacted the company that made this 1:6 '57 Corvette:
and asked them about manufacturing 1:6 scale BTTF deloreans...
We spitballed retail prices of $700-$1000... that tooling would be approx $100K or more... and that they'd probably need an order of 1000 pcs to make it a go. (There would also be licensing fees to consider, but we didn't know what Universal (and whoever retains Delorean) rights would charge...)
I figure on this board we could probably get 10 people...but we'd be short by 990... but what the hell, let's start an interest thread! haha
1. dchung
2. Indiana Fett
I don't do 1:6 vehicles. To damn big.
But I really need to get one of those 1:18 Time Machines one of these days...
No, it's plastic. But it's excellent. GI Joe scaled, too. I've got that one, and a Welly 1/24th scaled one for display with my Minimates/Kubricks. They're both grrrrreat!Is that one diecast though?
What do you think about my idea of shortening the forearms? TT forearms are always too long and I don't like how skinny the Slim's wrists are.
Looking at my pics and comparing them to the ones below do you think shorter forearms would be a good thing?
I really want the 1:18 dicast one by sunstar.