You know what's weird--I got mine, but the day after I did I got a notice in the mail that I needed to pick up my package from the post office by the 30th of January or it was going to be sent back. The tracking number was the same as the one I actually received for my Marty, so I assumed it was a mistake, but. . .could have been a second set. I didn't really get why they would leave me a second delivery failure attempt notice if there was no package to deliver, and it was left the day after I picked my set up. Just strange.
So, it could be on its way back to Rainman, as I didn't bother driving back to the post office to investigate. But the fact that the tracking number was exactly the same makes me think this probably isn't the case.
If someone did get a 2nd set, hopefully they will do the right thing and send it back to Rainman.