Thanks a lot Rogue Trooper!Great customs, the Zod is awesome!
Thank you Vader!Great customs.
Love the General Zod and Col. Steve Austin.
Thanks again Mrhatrulez! Actually, I respected the film and gave a rather pale complexion to Zod, but I must admit this skin color is not my favorite. As for recasting some of my heads (I've done many others I've never posted), well several people have asked for some of my HS but I keep stalling, not that I don't want to do it. I even have the material stored somewhere, but I've never done that and I'm a bit afraid to mess everything up, but eventually, I have to do it, if only to learn a new technique!Way impressed by that Zod head! Not only is it excellent sculpting, but great painting! If I had a way to sew up an outfit, I'd be all over you for a cast of that head!
Nice Nice!