Animators at Sunrise are handling the opening movie. but the game itself ...
Okay for all u ZOE fans with a Revo Anubis I have a pic request. Could you post a pic of Anubis with his rear thruster parts attached, but without the little clear energy parts in between the main frame and thrusters? I know he's more impressive with the larger diameter but I don't think it would fit in my Small cabinet with the clear parts separating the thrusters. Thanks guys!!!
So I'm much too lazy to take a picture- my camera sucks anyway- but I just tried what you're suggesting and I have to say it looks great even without the clear energy connectors. It looks a lot more like Anubis at the end of ZOE1 and the beginning of ZOE2.
If you're contemplating whether or not to get this because of limited shelf space I must tell you that this is a must buy!
Hellz Yeah!
Time to start searching for that kit!
I really hope another company (NECA) picks up this license.
It'll make the figures more affordable, and then hopefully we can get all the characters. Heck, I'd even like the runners too.