I usually dont like to share very much personal info with this business. But so many of you have showed so much support that I figured I'd share some health news with you.
As some may know, I quit smoking nearly 2 months ago. As a heavy smoker for over a decade, its been a struggle for me. Several weeks ago I was diagnosed with chronic bronchitis. My doctors ran tests, took some xrays and gave some medicine and I though that would be the end of it. Unfortunately, that wasnt the case. After several other doctors visits, the bronchitis is the worst its been, and they believe it to be pneumonia.
So this is currently my life. I cant say if I can see the end of this, all I can do is hope things will get better. I cant urge eveyone enough, DO NOT SMOKE. Quit now, save yourself the problems. I may have dodged cancer but this is not a happy way to live.
I want you all to know, that I am 100% dedicated to this company and what it stands for, and through sickness and bad health I will continue to work my hardest to give collectors pieces of art that is worthy of their collections. Thank you to everyone for the amazing support and get well wishes. I cant tell you enough how much it means to me.