Xensation Game of Thrones

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The Spirit of Darkness
Jul 8, 2013
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Just thought I would create this page so we could talk about the 1/6 scale Game of Thrones figures by Xensation.
Share photos, compare to Threezero, reviews, discuss our wishlist from this line, etc.

I currently have Tywin 'The Advisor' and couldn't be happier with him. I have a Joffrey from Threezero on the way to go with him.
I must admit I'm tempted by how good the Davos figure looks, but he isn't a character with a huge appeal to me.
I would LOVE if Xensation did a 1/6 Olenna Tyrell!

What's on your wishlist?
I really liked Diana Riggs' character. A figure would be welcome.

So many figures I would want -- with no where to put them.

That swinger couple - Pedro Pascal and that woman with the poison lips.
I really liked Diana Riggs' character. A figure would be welcome.

So many figures I would want -- with no where to put them.

That swinger couple - Pedro Pascal and that woman with the poison lips.

That was his sister for the record. Her three assassin girls are cool too but there is only so much shelf space.

We really need some of the actual "main" characters that lasted more than one season before we go that deep please.
That was his sister for the record. Her three assassin girls are cool too but there is only so much shelf space.

We really need some of the actual "main" characters that lasted more than one season before we go that deep please.

Xensation is only going to do deep characters, pretty sure they said they won't step on ThreeZero's toes.
Yeah, I was considering only 3rd tier or lower characters for Xensation for just that reason. Olenna seems perfect for them. Very simple outfit too most of the time.

Another really simple character would be the High Sparrow... :lol Not sure I would want him taking up space on the shelf though.

One character I absolutely need: Ramsay Bolton... with one of his dogs.... and a sausage.
Olenna I think would be a decent choice for Xensation but I'm not sure I want a figure of her. High Sparrow no chance I would buy. Ramsay Bolton I definitely would buy.

Davos is not really a character I badly wanted a figure of but he was very likable on the show and Xensation appears to have done such a nice job with him that for the price I'll probably pick him up when he starts shipping.

Tywin is definitely pushing the definition of third tier character, I would call him second tier. Perhaps if Threezero peters out doing GOT stuff Xensation will fill in some of the bigger gaps like Robb Stark and Bronn.
That was his sister for the record.

I think Ellaria Sand was Oberyn's mistress, but not his sister. (And while at least one of the Sand Snakes - Tyene, the youngest one in the show - is indeed Oberyn's daughter by Ellaria, I think the others are by different women.)

(And after all, I mean, what kind of degenerate TV series would have siblings sexing up each other? :lol)
And I'd love to see Xensation make Oberyn Martell, Ramsay Snow/Bolton, any of the three main Tyrells (Olenna, Margaery, Loras), Ygritte, Jorah Mormont, or Jaqen H'ghar.

(Are Khal Drogo, Catelyn Stark, or Robb Stark too major of a character for them to make? What about early-seasons Cersei or Bran? It doesn't seem super-likely that 3Z will make any of those now, and those seem like major gaps in a GoT collection.)
There's a few characters that that I wouldn't consider necessarily 2nd tier characters but they haven't been around a while and threezero hasn't shown much interest so - Robb Stark and Stannis would be my first choice.

Jaqen H'Ghar maybe with Lannister armor would look cool
Oberyn, of course.
Does anyone know if that admittedly dreadful looking Greyworm from some other company ever went on sale? Wonder how the production piece turned out if it made it that far.
There's a few characters that that I wouldn't consider necessarily 2nd tier characters but they haven't been around a while and threezero hasn't shown much interest so - Robb Stark and Stannis would be my first choice.

Jaqen H'Ghar maybe with Lannister armor would look cool
Oberyn, of course.

:slap I'd forgotten about him...that's another figure I'd definitely be interested in getting. :)