Little nude spindly guy in a speedo is tough to pull off.
But I know you'll try.

But I know you'll try.
I know a lot of people scoff at exposed joints but honestly I'd take a 1:6 scaled version of NECAs Gollum/Smeagol and I'd be more than content...Little nude spindly guy in a speedo is tough to pull off.
But I know you'll try.
... I would suggest extra sets of arms and legs for different statuesque poses. And then also include articulated versions. I think you'd solve most of the issues going that route.
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... 3 head sculpts for Gollum will do, Normal, Angry, Sad.
I know a lot of people scoff at exposed joints but honestly I'd take a 1:6 scaled version of NECAs Gollum/Smeagol and I'd be more than content...
Any type of thin rubber body is bound to deteriorate and become useless over time.
And since Gollum/Smeagol is so small, I would suggest extra sets of arms and legs for different statuesque poses. And then also include articulated versions. I think you'd solve most of the issues going that route.
And of course since I use diorama style bases heavily in my collection I'd prefer a nice base with him too.
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I would highly prefer different sets of joint-less arms and legs (Mr. Potato-Head style) over any exposed joints. I think most would be posing him in that four legged stance, anyway.
That would be perfect. Maybe change the "normal" to "happy". One could capture Gollum or Smeagol and provide the literally bare-boned figure some additional accessories to justify the price.
I guess they could also add the following:
- Several fish: One complete, one with a bite out of it and one just the head and spines.
- The one ring as well. (To go with the happy sculpt.)
- Sam's Elven lasso.
- Elven Lembas wrapped in the leaves.
- A stone to smack Sam's head with...
As someone who has tried to ignore this line as much as possible due to the heavy investment it would require (I most likely would have to have a complete fellowship!), can someone share some background on it?
From reading this and other threads, it sounds like Asmus released a bunch of figures in this line a few years ago, but they then released improved/"Slim" versions of some popular characters? And now they're going to re-release even more improved characters under this Crown line? Is that right?
What's the difference between the original figures and the Slim versions? Which characters are considered best in this line (I am only interested in the fellowship and a potential Gollum)?
Sorry for all the questions, but I would really appreciate someone taking the time to respond!
As someone who has tried to ignore this line as much as possible due to the heavy investment it would require (I most likely would have to have a complete fellowship!), can someone share some background on it?
From reading this and other threads, it sounds like Asmus released a bunch of figures in this line a few years ago, but they then released improved/"Slim" versions of some popular characters? And now they're going to re-release even more improved characters under this Crown line? Is that right?
What's the difference between the original figures and the Slim versions? Which characters are considered best in this line (I am only interested in the fellowship and a potential Gollum)?
Sorry for all the questions, but I would really appreciate someone taking the time to respond!
Is Asmus still releasing new figures?
They said they would when the final product of the full figure is ready to release.
I think the only figure I?d really want to replace is my slim Aragorn/Strider. The costume, face and hair could all be greatly improved upon and as he?s my favourite character I need a better representation of him. I was lucky enough to skip GtG at the start so I could jump in on the Crown release. Others that are regularly requested including The Witch King, Eowyn, Saruman, Legolas and the Hobbits; I?m actually completely happy with. A Witch King with full Diecast armour is just not necessary but the robes and base body could certainly be upgraded.
I would however buy alternate outfit versions- so a grubbier version of Frodo n Sam with eleven cloaks & tooted hair or their Mount Doom look, Armoured Merry & Pippin (obviously,) Helms Deep Legolas and Aragorn, Black Gate Aragorn w Brego.
There are still quite a few important characters to release first thought like Faramir, Denathor, Gollum,Galadriel, and then the big names from the Prologue, not to mention all the various soldiers I?m hoping for from every sector of middle earth as well as Orcs and Uruk Hai- I need soooo many Uruk Hai!
Lastly, for those still on the fence about diving into this line, I was the same two years ago, thinking that some figures just didn?t quite resemble the actors enough but then I saw the pics of Gimli and thought ?well that?s amazing and I have to have it? which grew into ?I?ll just get the holy trinity of Gimli, Legolas and Aragorn to rep LOTR in 1/6 scale? and then I added Boromir because his outfit looked so great so then had to get all the hobbits to round out the Fellowship and after that I just caved and bought everyone. I think it happened at the perfect time because I got a lot of used stuff off eBay which I?ve never seen again like the ACI Wraith and the Asmus Steed, an unopened Mouth of Sauron andGothmog and Guritz. I?ve also bought most of the Sideshow Weta statues (used) to fill in the enemy ranks. Basically, if you love LOTR then you?ll love having these figures in your collection.