Tech is the only one I wouldn't lose any sleep over if I'm honest.
So he's like the Zedmore?
Tech is the only one I wouldn't lose any sleep over if I'm honest.
The realization of Tech by Hot Toys is one of the things I?m looking forward to most. I love his helmet design.
You and me both, I know most here seem to be clamouring for Hunter but for me Tech is unique as he has such a radically different helmet and paint scheme compared to the others in the team.
I think most want Hunter because he is literally in Commando armour with a slightly different helmet
...Wrecker will be the last one, though I think the Heavy Mando mold could be used for him?
Are you older guys really buying all these animated Clone Wars era collectibles and actually watch the current shows and movies? These clone looks really silly to me. Rambo clone and Go-Go Gadget Clone. I just can?t see how people could be invested in a Star Wars that isn?t ?of their time? ya know? Like what you grew up with. I see a lot of old timers here that I posted with over a decade ago saying ?buying this?, ?getting that?, and I just don?t get it. How does this stuff appeal to someone that grew up with the Original Trilogy and/or the Prequel Trilogy.
I guess it?s just surprising to me that there are dudes in their 30s, 40s, 50s that are interested in owning things like ?Ashoka Tano?, ?Captain Rex?, ?Robot legs Maul and his yellow brother? and the ?Bad Batch?. Mandalorian I sort of get. It?s OT era themed with it?s aesthetics and ?adult?, but this baby ?animated style designed to look realistic? stuff, I just don?t get. It used to be this hobby had sentimental and nostalgia value attached to it. We bought what we bought because of the memories we had of it as kids. But how much nostalgia does an adult have for a 2, 3 year old modern show?
To each their own. I guess there really is a market for everything. My only gripe is, this influx of animated clone stuff has really buried the chances of companies doing the actual original FILM clone troopers.
Case in point, has Hot Toys even made a phase I Clone Trooper from Attack of the Clones? You know, the original white and black, T visored troops with the colored Captain, sergeant, lieutenant, commander ranks thrown in? Seems ludicrous to me that those haven?t been done yet. Hell, better yet, have Hot Toys even made any type of BATTLE DROIDS? You know, the actual enemies and combatants of the clone troopers?
Are you older guys really buying all these animated Clone Wars era collectibles and actually watch the current shows and movies? These clone looks really silly to me. Rambo clone and Go-Go Gadget Clone. I just can?t see how people could be invested in a Star Wars that isn’t “of their time” ya know? Like what you grew up with. I see a lot of old timers here that I posted with over a decade ago saying “buying this”, “getting that”, and I just don’t get it. How does this stuff appeal to someone that grew up with the Original Trilogy and/or the Prequel Trilogy.
I guess it’s just surprising to me that there are dudes in their 30s, 40s, 50s that are interested in owning things like “Ashoka Tano”, “Captain Rex”, “Robot legs Maul and his yellow brother” and the “Bad Batch”. Mandalorian I sort of get. It’s OT era themed with it’s aesthetics and “adult”, but this baby “animated style designed to look realistic” stuff, I just don’t get. It used to be this hobby had sentimental and nostalgia value attached to it. We bought what we bought because of the memories we had of it as kids. But how much nostalgia does an adult have for a 2, 3 year old modern show?
To each their own. I guess there really is a market for everything. My only gripe is, this influx of animated clone stuff has really buried the chances of companies doing the actual original FILM clone troopers.
Case in point, has Hot Toys even made a phase I Clone Trooper from Attack of the Clones? You know, the original white and black, T visored troops with the colored Captain, sergeant, lieutenant, commander ranks thrown in? Seems ludicrous to me that those haven’t been done yet. Hell, better yet, have Hot Toys even made any type of BATTLE DROIDS? You know, the actual enemies and combatants of the clone troopers?
They look cool, people want to buy them, get over it. Who cares how old someone is and what they enjoy?
So should people not like The Mandalorian, because it's not "of their time"? What's even the point in this comment?
No, he’s right. You should be embarrassed and ashamed of yourselves.
now where’s Tech!?
They look cool, people want to buy them, get over it. Who cares how old someone is and what they enjoy?
So should people not like The Mandalorian, because it's not "of their time"? What's even the point in this comment?