Dave Filoni is officially an Executive Creative Director at Lucasfilm

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It's pretty remarkable how adeptly Filoni has pulled the bait-and-switch act with The Mandalorian. It was sold to fans as a show about an unexplored era of SW which would introduce an array of new characters and plots evolving out of the OT. But just two seasons later, TCW and Rebels characters/plots (all *pre* OT, mind you) are somehow already taking the majority of the focus. Wow!

We've now got a plotline that is basically a live-action Rebels sequel with Ahsoka tracking down Thrawn and Ezra. Another plotline is a TCW quasi-sequel with Bo-Katan at the center of a darksaber plot for the throne of Mandalore. A mysterious baby of Yoda's species is now directly connected to the Clone Wars. And for good measure, there's an overarching cloning angle that is seemingly connected directly back to Kamino.

Filoni is like a magician. He somehow managed to recontextualize the OT as merely a brief interruption in the Filoniverse. :lol

I thought Favreau had more stones than that:pfft:; it doesn't surprise me that Filoni, creator of the unkillable Ahsoka and IMO the weakest of of Mando scripts (unlike Favreau's Season 2, episode 1) slithered his work into live action.

But, reading YT and other comments - many are ecstatic about the nostalgia reshash train - someone on another board more or less told me to quit being so "highbrow".:lol

Srsly feels like 85% want the nostalgia comfort zone. I'll watch; but sure won't worry about spoilers or being up at ungawdly hours.:pfft: D@mn, I really wanted my vision for the show tho....a last gut wrenching finale when a weary Mando finally delivers the Child to Luke Skywalker as played by Sebastian Stan and everyone cries. Guess they blew through that one so they could have a big end battle.

Sort of like End Game but where Filoni mashes in everyone from Grogu to Luke to Ezra Bridger.:banghead Even Qui-Gon and Yoda, because to Filoni, hey, why not? Death is just a minor inconvenience, like getting a flat tire on ur way to a party.:fest

I do wonder if those new characters and plots are more the work of Favreau, and maybe he's splitting the landscape with (or deferring to) the Filoniverse. I'll probably never know for sure.

Yeah. But I'd luv to be a respectful heckler at a con asking Favreau WTF happened. Probably get cussed at by a bunch of enraged geeks in Boba helmets tho.:vader
They forgot Palpatine and test tube Snoke lol

:lol :lol

I thought Favreau had more stones than that:pfft:; it doesn't surprise me that Filoni, creator of the unkillable Ahsoka

To be fair Filoni pitched the idea of Ahsoka (originally named Ashla) as a padawan learner for a newly made up Jedi Master and they would have had their own adventures separate from the main movie characters but George decided that they should stick to stories about Anakin and Obi-Wan. He did like the idea of a young Togruta apprentice so he kept her concept and attached her to Anakin and the rest is history.

Rough sketch by Filoni, 2005:

:lol :lol

To be fair Filoni pitched the idea of Ahsoka (originally named Ashla) as a padawan learner for a newly made up Jedi Master and they would have had their own adventures separate from the main movie characters but George decided that they should stick to stories about Anakin and Obi-Wan. He did like the idea of a young Togruta apprentice so he kept her concept and attached her to Anakin and the rest is history.

Thanks Khev - always happy to learn more:duff. I'd probably like the character better (and I like the name Ashla) if Filoni hadn't attached her to Anakin. That dynamic never sat well with me, tho it was better as Clone Wars went along.

Anakin never seemed to be old enough for a padawan, for one thing. Kanaan taking on Ezra felt right (and anyway that was after the Jedi had been slaughtered so Ezra IMO would have been pretty special).

Also Aksoka is too good to be true, and I like character with edges best. Ultimately it's not like D+ isn't gonna get my money anyway. And I hated TFAWS trashed favs of mine so much:mad: I'd watch ANY Mando episode over that, for the most part.
Thanks Khev - always happy to learn more:duff.

No problem! :duff

I'd probably like the character better (and I like the name Ashla) if Filoni hadn't attached her to Anakin. That dynamic never sat well with me, tho it was better as Clone Wars went along.

Again it was George that attached her to Anakin though. Filoni created her to be an apprentice for a brand new Jedi.
No problem! :duff

Again it was George that attached her to Anakin though. Filoni created her to be an apprentice for a brand new Jedi.

Respect for Lucas but I wouldn't say he always has good ideas. But at the end of the day, the man literally changed world culture.
What matters in the end is that when we watch ROTS we totally feel the presence and weight of everything that transpired in those 7 seasons of TCW.
Not sure if it is a good or bad thing to keep Lucas with SW. We've seen what they've done without him. You want fresh voices and vision, but the ST did some major damage.

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