Come back from my second viewing and I loved it just as much as I did the first time!!
I didn't feel the runtime as much as I did the first time (maybe a 3hr movie feels longer at Midnight then in the middle of the day)
Maybe I just like long movies? I feel the runtime of Endgame more than I feel it here, not sure what I would cut if I had to - it all felt like it had a purpose in either building plot, character or tone. Whereas some parts of Endgame feel like filler that I would happily give the chop.
I still stand by the statement that Pattinson is now the superior live-action Batman, he just nails it. Would happily watch a dozen Batman films with him in, getting to see his version of the entire rogue's gallery and his progression as Batman.
His Bruce feels the most authentic version of the character - a deeply broken young man, you see and feel the pain he has gone through in a way I think the other Batmen just tell you they experience. Pattinson shows that Batman is who Bruce really is, he shows why Bruce feels Batman is necessary to go on, to express the rage and pain that would destroy him if he didn't express it through Batman. That's why he is at his most expressive as Batman - like Riddler says their masks give them the freedom to be who they really are without shame or limits.
Thats why his he seems more withdrawn as Bruce - to him thats the skin he feels less comfortable in, it restricts him in a way Batman doesn't.
Yet the movie, in Batman's final monologue/voice-over acknowledges that Batman/Bruce must be more than just his pain, than the sum of his scars, than "vengeance" - that is what The Riddler was and it made him a monster, he realizes that Batman/he can be an actual light in the city that gives hope.
I think we are going to see more character development over Pattinson's films and I couldn't be more excited!
Also - still love Dano as Riddler, brilliant villain, easily one of the best in a comic book movie ever & I want to see more of him in future Pattinson Bat-films as part of a fully-fleshed out rogue's gallery.
This new take on Riddler feels both fresh & still really true to the character - I love that he is almost like a horror villain, very compelling to watch.
I don't see him ever donning a green bowler hat, but I do hope future films let us see more of his face - it was a masterful performance. Though I do like the new look even more having seen it again, Dano can convey a lot in his voice & with his eyes - but more face in the future would be good.
I still REALLY want a Riddler figure!
I really liked Colin Farrel's Penguin, but I hope they give him a few more of his classic features - the full evening tails suit & umbrella/gun by the end of the tv show - would make a great figure.
Likewise when Zoe Kravitz returns in the sequels I would love for them to lean a little more into her classic look.
Very much excited for the spin-off tv series' - there is one on Penguin & one on Arkham right? Please correct me if I am wrong.
Very much agreed!! I also don't mind long films, I think if they're engaging to oneself, then runtime isn't felt as much. Actually, I wouldn't mind a four, maybe five hour version of this Batman movie

He's able to portray so many actions and expressions with just his eyes. Top acting under the cowl.![]()