BEST OF 2022 - Star Wars Figures

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Figuring it out
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Jul 13, 2006
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Another year gone by, more figures moved into collections. It's time to take a look back at 2022 and share what figures stood out this year in your collection.

Considering the way figures make it into collections these days what with the long waits for pre orders to be produced, the current "batch" method of production that gets them out to collectors in a staggered (and often frustrating) fashion, just consider what you personally were able to get this last year into your collection. For many of us, that means that several of the recent releases will probably end up on next year's list.

Let's try to keep this thread's lists SW-centric....if your acquisitions over this year ventured into other licenses or franchises, check those threads out and start a BEST OF 2022 there.

Now let's have some fun looking back....

I did not get a lot this year as many of the figures I preordered still have yet to be produced or I canceled them after seeing in-hand shots and viewing many of the reviews that pop up from the regular cast of characters on YouTube. So, here goes. (It definitely was the year of Fett for me)

ONE: Boba Fett 2-Pack

I took more photos of this figure over the last year than any other. It is so striking and just tells a story be looking at it. It's become on of my all-time favorites on display.


...and the figure of Fett in his Tusken Robes is equally amazing. His reintroduction in those episodes of "The Mandalorian" just fired on all cylinders and produced two really great figures.

TWO: Boba Fett Repaint Armor on Throne

Coming on the heels of that great return was this ultimate tease. While the eventual series may have been lacking, the design and presentation made for a really cool display.

THREE Remnant Biker Scout on Speeder Bike


This set just really worked for me. The Biker figure is so well rendered with that perfect "man in a suit" vibe and the white bike just pops on display and in photos.

FOUR Imperial Biker Scout


As mentioned above, HT really nailed the "man in a suit" look with both these Biker Scouts. The bike is cool two, but this trooper displays so well on it's own.

FIVE Rogue Leader Luke Skywalker


I was glad to be able to pick up this version of Luke after missing out on the Sideshow one all those years ago. It's a good figure, and now that winter has finally created some Hoth-like conditions around here, more photos of this one will be coming soon.


The Armorer







Alright...let's see yours!
1. Echo

2. Bo-Katan

3. ROTJ Scout and Bike

4. Repaint Fett and Throne Special Edition - I’m a sucker for holograms, what can I say. :lol

5. Arena Fett

Honorable Mention: Bespin Han…‘s Picture

Hard to pick a top 5. Great year for figures. Feels wrong to not put figures like Ahsoka, Snowspeeder Luke, Tython and Nomad Fett set, Jango, Vaughn, Gideon, and Dark Trooper on the list.

We may need a top 10 next year. :r2d2line

Hunter would probably be at the top if he were already available. He and Jesse might vie for the top spot in 2023.
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It's quite a daunting task to consider which figure is the "best", at least for Star Wars section. I kinda love every HT releases so far.

But I would never hesitate to vote SS CW Anakin is the worst licensed 1/6 SW figure of the year, I just HATE it.
It's quite a daunting task to consider which figure is the "best", at least for Star Wars section. I kinda love every HT releases so far.

But I would never hesitate to vote SS CW Anakin is the worst licensed 1/6 SW figure of the year, I just HATE it.

I've seen one or two people that hate this figure. Why is that? Looks pretty solid to me other than the stupid glove opening for the light up arm.

My top 5:

2- Bo Katan


And those I don't have in hand yet, but based on reviews and in hand pics I'd say qualify:

Snow Speeder Luke


Honorable mentions:


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1) Echo - helmet innovation is so unique, glad they put maximum effort into it.
2) Snow Speeder Luke - passed on SS hoping HT would turn around and do it. 10yrs later…
3) Boba on thrown - as Boba should be - a badass
4) Bo Katan - nuff said
5) Stormtrooper Chrome - love these variants!

Have to say that I NEVER thought SW would be kicking up so much steam from HT. The Mandoverse just opened the flood gates whereas we have like more Mandoverse figures announced and produced than we have OT combined from all three movies. (Haven’t done the math, but doesn’t that seem right🤔)
Anyway, Merry Xmas and HNY Freaks!
having most of my figures ordered thru KGH, half of the 2022 releases i can only judge from pictures and reviews. Therefore, only half of my 2022 top ten are figures i actually have in hand.

01- Boba Fett 2-Pack
02- Jango Fett
03- Ahsoka Tano
04- Dark Trooper
05- Luke Skywalker (Snowspeeder Pilot)
06- Bo-Katan Kryze
07- Boba Fett (Repaint Armor)
08- Hunter
09- Echo
10- Moff Gideon
Merry Christmas all!

Limited to 1/6 and 1/4 releases I received this year because I nearly always get figures real late.

1. Boba Fett armored and nomad 2-pack (without a doubt, release of the year, comprehensive and generous and beautifully made)

2. Luke Snowspeeder Pilot (I hate the design of the helmet plus that collar, but with a lot of work some people have got this looking amazing! Not me yet though, still a work in progress)

3. Jango Fett (not 100% on the sculpt but helemted this is one of the few perfect figures straight out of the box, another average phone photo though)

4. CW Ahsoka (first Ahsoka figure and she is beautiful, despite the potential seamless issues and those annoying lekku)

5. 1/4 Mandalorian & Grogu (first SW 1/4, beautiful, I wish they would do more :))

6. Tusken Raider (even better with Cocoboloboy's awesome robe!)

7. Armorer (a better than average exclusive release, sure it could have had more accessories and better articulation but still very very good)

8. CW Maul (some quibbles, the costume is painful and a bit cheap but a great look)

9. Leia Jabba's Palace aka Mr.Toys Planet Princess (not great, but to finally have something like this is great)

10. Moff Gideon (have not spent much time with this one, but nicely done, good accessories and costume, great sculpt)

11. Dark Trooper (I love my robots and this is typically very well engineered, very recent so have not spent much time with it and all I have is a phone photo)

12. Assault Tank Commander (another grunt, but I love this design)

13. Transport Trooper (I really only got this for when the Din head sculpt shows up)


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I was pretty happy with all of the figures I received this year. A few really stood out. In no order:
Snowspeeder Luke (bought 2)
Clone wars anakin
Rotj scout and speeder
Assault tank commander (stellar trooper)

Here’s to the rotj 40th leaving us happy and not looking forward the to the rotj 50th!
Some really great figures released this year.
Snowspeeder Luke was always my #1.
Jango 2nd and Biker Scout 3rd!!
Ashoka was an instant preorder and gets a notable mention.
I would like to add the 2 pk Boba Fett from Mando,but I really haven't had time to look over him as he was late to be opened and then boxed up not long after due to space issues.
2023 will remedy that.
1. ROTJ: Darth Vader QS

2. TPM: Darth Maul and Sith Speeder DX

3. ANH: Grand Moff Tarkin

4. TFA: Han Solo

5. ROTS: Commander Cody

6. AOTC: Jango Fett

7. Clone Wars: Ahsoka Tano

8. ANH: Stormtrooper

9. TLJ: Rey
10. TLJ: Luke Skywalker
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1. ESB Snowspeeder Luke Skywalker (it's OT, best SW action sequence ever, 'nuff said)
2. ROTJ Biker Scout w/ Speeder Bike (it's a vehicle in another great action sequence)
3. Arena Boba Fett (yes, it's a repaint, but from a new media source and it's Fett)
4. Captain Rex (the star Clone of Clone Wars and a great character)
5. Ahsoka (I wanted to put her higher but those arms won't allow it)
2022 besties:

1. Arena Fett. Represents a comic in which he appears as an actual deux ex machina. This is no mere cheap moneygrab, he was throwing down, kicking shebs and not taking names in that- this is definitely the Fett we know. When he got done with that it was mike-drop time as he told the Kanji Hutts where to put their nonsense. **** those guys. This Fett is FABULOUS.

2. Boba Deluxe twofer from Mando season 2. Nothing will ever surpass the beatdowns he passed out in that. These figures are glorious. Damaged armor is just :p

3. Echo. This is a magnificent figure representing a magnificent character. You need this actual battle angel on your shelves.

4. Rex. Is this the G.O.A.T. clone....? Thats debateable, but this guy is a must. He may be from 2021? But i got him this year so nyah.

5. Fett with throne: just waitin' for Fennec. And looking cool while he does it. This one is important JUST for that final teaser of all teasers, which will live in our memories long after BoBF is forgotten.

6. Jango Fett. Love this guy, but love his headsculpt less. It was really good, I dont even know what they did to it.

7. Vaughn. This pretty boy is pals with errybody. He is just lovely.

8. Chrome clone trooper. This guy is just ridiculous, in the best way.

EDIT: Honorable Mention: 501st basic clone trooper. This guy isnt a named character, and in a way that makes him even more fun - because you can play with him. Swap heads, swap him around, he's an actual giant action figure, compared to my named people who are really just reposable statues. This guy is just fun.

Looking forward to the wallet decimation that 2023 will bring. Oya, ner vod!
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4. Rex. Is this the G.O.A.T. clone....?

Overall, I’d say yes. And yes he’s a must have.


I feel like only 2 of those were 2022 releases lol

Time has no meaning anymore anyway. :lol

Lolll I think I misunderstood the thread. I got them this year, so they were new to me.

The main rules seem like Star Wars only and figures you got this year so you’re fine. I stuck with figures from this year but new to you this year also works.

It also seemed like it was also supposed to be a top 5 based on jedibear’s formatting but even his post technically became a top 9.
I'm still waiting for ROTJ Speeder Bike set, Bo Katan and I will hold my decision until these remaining figs got into my possession.