EXO-6 Star Trek "Voyager" Figures

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Nanjin’s plan works well if you only like a certain series. It kind of screws over those of us who are into multiple iterations of Trek. One of the complaints I’ve had since the beginning of EXO-6.
Fortunately, I fit into this category. While I enjoy all Star Trek, well, except Discovery, I am into the Original Series.
At $170 (about £140), Kim is a bargain for a licensed figure. I hadn't originally planned to go deep into Voy, but when are these characters ever gonna be made again?

I’m having trouble deciding whether it’s a $20 deposit with a final amount due of $170 making Harry $190 plus shipping, of if it’s a slight language issue and the FULL price is $170 plus shipping.
I’m having trouble deciding whether it’s a $20 deposit with a final amount due of $170 making Harry $190 plus shipping, of if it’s a slight language issue and the FULL price is $170 plus shipping.
It’s $170 plus $25 shipping. So $195 total. The $20 is just the deposit. I agree sometimes EXO-6’s website is kind of confusing with how they word things in terms of pricing.
I wish we could get figures for $170 total. Maybe it’s unrealistic but it would be nice to get some of them for a lower cost. I thought at first we would get lower prices honestly. I realize compared to Hot Toys and other manufacturers EXO-6 is cheaper though.
I don't know, Harry looks a bit off to me, even baring a few simularities with Chakotay. Also when I received my Tuvok (and this could be just me), I had this weird notion that his head was a little too small for the body?
I don't know, Harry looks a bit off to me, even baring a few simularities with Chakotay. Also when I received my Tuvok (and this could be just me), I had this weird notion that his head was a little too small for the body?
What do you think of my example above? All it is is a slight widening of the face, some skin texture, and opening up his dam eyes! The EXO squint is all wrong for Harry IMHO....
What do you think of my example above? All it is is a slight widening of the face, some skin texture, and opening up his dam eyes! The EXO squint is all wrong for Harry IMHO....
The addition of some skin texture is a big help. This Harry Kim has the same plastic-y face as Janeway, which is a real turn-off to me.
I don't know, I think this looks pretty damn close myself. And the eye size seems fine, although in some shots the whites of the eyes could maybe be a bit brighter.

View attachment 636303

That's a much better photo of the figure than I was using DJ... He certainly looks better in some shots than others as I mentioned. In the tricorder shot I used, his face seems a bit more narrow and the eyes much less visible. Amazing what camera angle choices can do, or fail to do, for a photo and a likeness. I still maintain that he needs a little more skin texture, but that could be the lighting. Mabe EXO needs a better photographer less than they need a better sculptor. I just about everyone agree that from time to time they could use a better painter in the factory.

All in all, however, he's going to be hard to pass up at $170 USD.
Has Sideshow come through on its TMP and Seven of Nine pre-orders? With reports of retailers never receiving stock they assumed was coming from EXO, I'm pretty trepidatious about doing anything except placing orders/preorders direct from EXO.
I’m a bit worried about my Seven of Nine order through Entertainment Earth. It seems to keep getting delayed. I’m not sure if they get their stock through Sideshow or how that works.

I’ve ordered a bunch through Collectorzown and got them basically at release or shortly afterwards. I think Marcos who runs that site has said that he works with EXO-6 directly.

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