EXO-6 Star Trek “Deep Space Nine” Figures

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DS9 is going to be the killer for me, as it just has too many great tertiary characters, let alone the core crew, and I’m kind of dreading it tbh :D At the moment, Kira, Odo, Quark, Garak and Worf for sure. I like Bashir and Miles but not sure enough to buy figures. Jadzia a maybe. Be curious if they do a reasonably priced Jake and Nog. Martok and Gowron too!

I think Voyager I might be done with. Kinda wish I grabbed Tuvok, but have the rest and that’ll do I feel, unless Neelix is a must.

TNG will probably be most of the main crew but no need to go any further if they do some more niche characters. A uniformed Q for sure! Skipping Enterprise altogether and TOS I’m tempted by TWOK and classic Kirk and Spock.

Jadzia is NEVER a maybe! Jadzia is Life! :love
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Yeah, I'm planning on going pretty deep on DS9 (ya get it? Get it?). Barring anything that looks too wrong to me, Sisko will be joined by Kira, Odo, O'Brien, Garak, Dukat, Ezri, and probably Martok, Weyoun if they make them. O'Brien and Martok and Ezri (if the last two get made) being definites for me, also has me thinking hard about Worf, Jadzia, and Bashir.
And then there are the TOS movie figures I'm hoping to get...
In a world where those figures are even remotely possible, there's a reasonable chance I'd get them. I have a problem.
But luckily for my wallet, we don't live in that world. ;)
As I’ve been telling you all ad nauseam, I’ve been binging Deep Space Nine over the past several weeks thinking this was pretty much a re-watch of the series, but I’ve determined that there are MANY episodes that I’ve actually never seen before ever!

Today I landed on Season Four; Episode Three: The Visitor, and I’m a complete mess. And nothing to do with Jadzia this time! For anyone who might not be familiar with this episode, I won’t add any spoilers, but those of you who know what I’m talking about KNOW what I’m talking about! Good lord. I have to go commune with my Dad…

I almost wish Nanjin would give us the other versions of Sisko. So many of the best episodes are with his pre-season Season Five look. Might be nice to be able to recreate some of those moments.
As I’ve been telling you all ad nauseam, I’ve been binging Deep Space Nine over the past several weeks thinking this was pretty much a re-watch of the series, but I’ve determined that there are MANY episodes that I’ve actually never seen before ever!

Today I landed on Season Four; Episode Three: The Visitor, and I’m a complete mess. And nothing to do with Jadzia this time! For anyone who might not be familiar with this episode, I won’t add any spoilers, but those of you who know what I’m talking about KNOW what I’m talking about! Good lord. I have to go commune with my Dad…

I almost wish Nanjin would give us the other versions of Sisko. So many of the best episodes are with his pre-season Season Five look. Might be nice to be able to recreate some of those moments.

Beautiful & emotional episode. SO well written, acted & directed.

TOS will always hold an untouchable & special place in my heart, but for consistent quality over so many seasons - DS9 is the "one Trek to rule them all".

I think some of the best Trek series is DS9 from what I’ve been hearing on various podcasts and the set is more realistic rather than everyone being shackled in a Starship of “X” amount if hours (I can be wrong honestly).

Edit: Somewhat unrelated, but maybe worth your time to watch?
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I could listen to Ira Steven Behr for days. He was there around TNG s3 and all of DS9. His behind the scenes stories are legendary.
Post from yesterday.
Screenshot 2023-05-14 013746.png

Looks like Vic is on today. Seems like it's DS9 is getting a fair chunk of reputation as Robinson (Garak), Cirroc (Jake), Nicole (Ezri), Armin (Quark), Nana (Kira), and Ira has been on.

Edit: Had to make corrections after seeing that Fontaine is on!
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I'm worried again. To quote N, "Odo is very much done. Just need to do some major betting on his quantity to determine the right MSRP."

But he's clearly not done, the colors are still borked. This is why he needs feedback. Odo's belt was the same color as the body of his uniform, not the shoulders.


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I'm worried again. To quote N, "Odo is very much done. Just need to do some major betting on his quantity to determine the right MSRP."

But he's clearly not done, the colors are still borked. This is why he needs feedback. Odo's belt was the same color as the body of his uniform, not the shoulders.

Which is very odd to me because included in my critique of the company and its founder in some notable, but ultimately secondary ways, was NEVER anything but top tier PRAISE for EXO's impeccable accuracy, attention to detail, and especially industry leading quality in the tailoring of its 1/6 wardrobe for its figures.

This is really an area where EXO really has no peer. One can argue that the Star Fleet uniforms, where EXO spends 99% of its clothing effort, are comparatively simple compared to what other companies, most notably Hot Toys, delve into, but simple or not, attention to fit and detail remains one of the most important elements in 1/6, and EXO is simply at the top of this category.

Particularly perplexing in the case of Odo is that the inaccuracies in the proto uniform are not fine granular details that anyone could miss! Anyone with any reference photo or screen grab from the show can INSTANTY see that this is wrong in just about every item on the checklist. And given the company's aforementioned attention and success in the area makes me think that the only explanation that has any plausibility at all would be that the licensor required these changes. I have no idea why Paramount would require anything so seemingly arbitrary with something like this, and this may actually have nothing to do with the issue at all, but these choices for Odo's uniform just don't make sense. And you would think Nanjin's fandom would be the first thing to come down on this proto uniform! And this doesn't seem to fit the "Set Accurate" vs. "Screen Accurate" argument either. I got nothing.....

I will grudgingly admit, however, that if this is the Odo we get, I'll take it since there's no doubt that this is the best on only high quality 1/6 Odo we're going to get. I'd just immediately start sourcing a custom belt if nothing else! *Sigh*
Odo's belt also didn't have a buckle. I'm hoping this is just an earlier working prototype of their Odo uniform (where the colors and a few other things weren't quite right and they knew that) and when they show the finished product, everything will look correct. Nanjin did say that they do at least three versions of each uniform to get tailoring, color, etc worked out.