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The 18-years old Sturmmann Otto Funk (06.06.1926) from 12th SS Panzer Division Hitlerjugend, specifically SS Panzergrenadier Regiment 25. He was 18 when he destroyed a Churchill tank with a MG 42 machine gun. He was awarded the Iron Cross class 2 for that. Here in the photo in Rots, Normandy, 9th June, 1944. He was wounded on June 26, 1944, but continued fighting till May 8, 1945, when He surrendered to American soldiers of the 65th Infantry Division in Enns, Austria. He died on 11th of September 2011.
Interesting how the camo can change in those two colorized renditions.
Very interesting story on Otto Funk, too.
Exciting, always loved the old DML version of this figure, didn't know he had such an interesting story too, very cool.
Otto Funk and Klaus Schuh were working together as a machine gun crew on the Western Front with the special SS unit, SS-Panzer-Division “Hitlerjugend” in the summer of 1944. Both were given the Iron Cross for knocking out a Canadian Churchill tank with just an MG-42 machine gun. With no other weapon at their disposal, they aimed tracer rounds at a fuel tank on the Churchill and took out the enemy tank.
While Otto survived the war and passed away in 2011, Klaus was killed in action in June 1944.
SS-Sturmmann Otto Funk of the 15. (Aufklärungs ) Kompanie/ SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 25, photographed after an assault, near Rots. They were to follow up on the attack at Norrey-en-Bessin on June 9, 1944. Also seen in the middle is SS-Grenadier Klaus Schuh, who would be killed on June 26, 1944.
SS-Obergrenadier Günther Hamel and SS-Unterscharführer Paul Koslowski, both belonging to SS-Panzergrenadier Regiment 25 of the 12. SS-Panzerdivision ‘Hitlerjugend’, in Rots, northwest of Caen, Normandy. June 9, 1944, after fierce fighting in Norrey-en-Bessin.
For those interested, here is the order of battle of the regiment as well as the the available roster of names of 15/25 below that. This info was found in the diary and somethat I found on in post on axishistory of the subject.
SS-Panzergrenadierregiment 25: Standartenführer Kurt Meyer (until June 14th, 1944), replaced by Obersturmbannführer Karl-Heinz Milius
1st Battalion
1/SS-Panzergrenadierregiment 25: Sturmbannführer Hans Waldmüller (killed on September 8th, 1944)
– 1. Kompanie
– 2. Kompanie
– 3. Kompanie
– schw. 4. Kompanie
2nd Battalion
2/SS-Panzergrenadierregiment 25: Sturmbannführer Hans Scappini (killed on June 7th, 1944)
– 5. Kompanie
– 6. Kompanie
– 7. Kompanie
– schw. 8. Kompanie
3rd Battalion
3/SS-Panzergrenadierregiment 25: Obersturmbannführer Karl-Heinz Milius (until June 14th, 1944) replaced by Obersturmbannführer Fritz Steiger
– 9. Kompanie
– 10. Kompanie
– 11. Kompanie
– schw. 12. Kompanie
Organic Elements of the Regiment.
Panzerabwehrkanone: Erwin Kaminski
14. Flak-Kompanie: Hauptsturmführer Brantl
15. Aufklärungs-Kompanie: Horst von Büttner (killed during the night from the 8th to the 9th of June 1944)
16. Pionier-Kompanie: Emil Werner
ROSTER OF 15th Aufklärungs-Kompanie (Reconnaissance Company)
*The roster is very much incomplete since my project focuses on the 3rd platoon, that's what I found the most on.*
STAB (Staff or Company HQ)
Chef: Haupsturmführer Horst von Büttner
Spiess: Stabsscharführer Hagetorn
San.-Uscha.: Unterscharführer Emil Waldvogel
I.ZUG (1st platoon)
Untersturmführer Reinhold Fuss
Unterscharführer Flixeder
Grenadier Werner Zimmermann
Hans Derkogner
II.ZUG (2nd Platoon)
Untersturmführer Fehling
Sturmmann Jan Jesionek
van der Berg
III.ZUG (3rd PLatoon)
Hauptscharführer Wilhelm Boigk
Unterscharführer Christian Wachter
Unterscharführer Wick
Unterscharführer Peter Koslowski
Sturmmann Klaus Schuh
Obergrenadier Karl-Heinz Marckert
Obergrenadier Guenther Streelow
Obergrenadier Georg Hermann
Grenadier Josef Bund
Grenadier Foerster
Grenadier Otto Funk
Grenadier Günther Hamel
Grenadier Ernst Molter
Grenadier Reinhard Strintz
Grenadier Günther Weiss
Heinz Gurk
Günther Lachmann
Konrad Langner
Werner Kaergel
Sturmmann Jochen Leykauff
Obergrenadier Karl Witzgall
Grenadier Alfred Helzel
Sturmmann Rudolf Johanning
Sturmmann Heinz Merschkötter
Obergrenadier Albert Pahl
Obergrenadier Manfred Sass
Grenadier Heinz Schulze
The first group is listed as killed in action on 4.7.1944 near St.German; the second group is listed as killed on 8.6.1944 in/near Bretteville-L'Orgueillose.
Unterscharführer Richard Schwarz
Sturmmann Hermann Menkhoff
Sturmmann Josef Hermann Richenzhagen
Sturmmann Hilmar Zimmermann
Grenadier Karl Heilemann
Rottenführer Theodor Emge
Sturmmann Gebhard Ziegler
Grenadier Werner Lichtenstein
Grenadier Friedrich Pelzl
Friedrich Torbanisch (deserted on April 1944)
He came out looking really good it's such a cool look with the uniform and the brown boots.While DID's teaser photo depicted SS-Obergrenadier Günther Hamel, the figure has the collar rank of SS-Sturmmann and is named Otto, and does look to be modelled on the eighteen year old SS-Sturmmann Otto Funk:
View attachment 661162View attachment 661163
It's possible, Dragon made him in 2002 but with a different name, he was still alive when it was released.I wonder if Otto ever found out that he was being immortalized as an action figure.
He came out looking really good it's such a cool look with the uniform and the brown boots.
So Hamel had the MG42? or did they put the wrong insignia on the figure? I'm confused about who is who they look so similar,
We're also missing the extra ammo though I think they cost saved and only gave you the one inside the drum.
So Hamel had the MG42? or did they put the wrong insignia on the figure? I'm confused about who is who they look so similar,
SS-Obergrenadier Günther Hamel and SS-Unterscharführer Paul Koslowski, both belonging to SS-Panzergrenadier Regiment 25 of the 12. SS-Panzerdivision ‘Hitlerjugend’, in Rots, northwest of Caen, Normandy. June 9, 1944, after fierce fighting in Norrey-en-Bessin.
Yeah, I didn't even realize at first that there were three people They look extremely similar, can't tell what other weapons/equipment the other two have.It is getting confusing, because this page identifies the one captioned Hamel (next to Koslowski) as being Schuh:
View attachment 661231
The new page does have another angle of Otto though:
View attachment 661232
Yeah, I didn't even realize at first that there were three people They look extremely similar, can't tell what other weapons/equipment the other two have.
Yeah, I had "Marcus", along with a **** ton of DML figures!He came out looking really good it's such a cool look with the uniform and the brown boots.
So Hamel had the MG42? or did they put the wrong insignia on the figure? I'm confused about who is who they look so similar,
We're also missing the extra ammo though I think they cost saved and only gave you the one inside the drum.
It's possible, Dragon made him in 2002 but with a different name, he was still alive when it was released.
View attachment 661225
by eindhoven » 16 Nov 2018, 05:12
In Otto Funk's own words:
We are put on alert the night of June 25 to 26. As far as I remember, we were located then at Franqueville. SS-Hauptscharführer Wilhelm Boigk, our chief, tells us that the English have penetrated in the sector of Cheux and that their lead elements have already arrived at our artillery positions... The 15./25 is the only available reserve. We stay put at the side of the road during the night and awaiting our orders to move out. I am in the middle of my comrades and I say, "Who will be the first of us to get hit today?” Hscha. Boigk replies "Funk, stop saying nonsense! ". The morning is here and it is still dark. The offshore enemy marine artillery suddenly spits her shells towards Cheux and Mouen. The order to engage the enemy happens, now we are climbing into our Schwimmwagen and we head for a new day of combat.
Our way leads us through Saint-Germain- la-Blanche-Herbe, the prison in the neighborhood of Venoix, Bretteville-sur-Odon and Verson and then towards Cheux. Here the destruction of the artillery was unleashed; only the trunks of the trees remain, the sensitive branches were blown off by the detonations. After that little wood we reach an open space and leave our Schwimmwagen to walk on foot near the road. The Schwimmwagen follow behind at a distance. We cross a field of grain and we reach a meadow with a hedgerow standing in front of us. We shelter here first and allow the Schwimmwagen to follow us into the grain field. They stop and camouflage.
After a short break, we parallel the hedge on the right. At the end of this hedgerow, there are ten to twelve meters of cleared land then a hollow path that runs perpendicular to the hedgerow were are sheltered behind. When the first man pours out into the open free space, a hail of tracer bullets starts shooting across and sweeping the area. We rush across through this open area one by one and find shelter in the hollow path where, miraculously, we all arrive without any losses! We move along the hollow and, after about 80 m, we move up on another hollow road that runs through the one where we are. We gather up there and Hscha. Boigk divides us into three groups of the Ille section along this path. 3rd group, to which I belong, is the last. We advance on the left, parallel along this road.
After 30 to 40 m, the hollow rises to reach ground level and we have to flatten ourselves because there are only a few bushes towards the side of the enemy with a small hedge that has been well cleared by the shell impacts. Hscha. Boigk gestures to me: "Funk, place yourself in this shell hole! And I see then, about 80 m in front of me, two houses in the middle of a lot where there are many trees. After a moment, some "English" appear running between the houses and disappear into their individual holes. Hscha. Boigk comes crawling back and gives me the order to open fire with my MG if I see someone.
Suddenly, again appear a few "English" and my MG 42 cracks to life. At the same time that I open fire I get a shock at the top of my left arm, which throws me onto my side. My partner, Klaus Schuh, immediately resumes firing the MG and Hscha. Boigk tries to administer first aid, which is not easy as we are badly sheltered in the cramped shell hole. The blood continues to flow down my left sleeve. Hscha. Boigk tells me that we have to move back to the main hollow along the road. He pulls me by the foot with his right hand and, when we arrive in this hollow, I stand up, take a few steps, and (from what will Wilhelm Boigk later told me) I faint.
When I come back to, I am lying in the bushes along the hollow road and my comrades have already cut my sleeve to stop the blood and bandage the injury. To stop the blood, they placed three packs of bandages under my armpit. The blood no longer flows but an artery has been affected. I drink two canteens, one of which belonged to an Uscha. by the name of Mohr whom I got to know here but who came from my area, that of Giessen. Boigk says to me, "Tonight, you asked who would be the first to get hit and now it's you! I'm going to leave here. We go now to launch a counterattack and a Schwimmwagen will be able to take you back" Hascha. Boigk says to Uscha. Mohr that he must make contact with the 1st section which is in position on the left of the road leading to Mouen.
Uscha. Mohr goes away and leaves me (after the war, I will look for his parents in Giessen and I will learn that their son went missing in action on June 26, 1944 ...). After a while, I hear the roar of armored engines and I see two English tanks, coming from the houses that I had seen earlier, and they go through the hollow towards our Schwimmwagen. One of them is destroyed with a Panzerfaust but the second one continues towards our Schwimmwagen. Now, Hscha. Boigk says to me, "Follow the hollow road from where we have come from and get yourself to the aid station.” I take my leave and I head for the vehicles. On the way, while I am moving back along the hollow, I am shot at several times but I finally arrive at our vehicles. Three of them are burning, destroyed by the tank, including the one that had brought me containing all my personal effects.
A comrade immediately drives me to the Château de Louvigny where one of our field hospitals is located. In the afternoon they give me first aid and a doctor removes a bullet that had entered my rib cage and crossed the left side of my thoracic cavity.
In the evening, a comrade from the 3rd group, who was also wounded, informs me that Klaus Schuh was killed in battle; he was shot three times in the forehead just below his steel helmet. I have never found the site of his burial.
SS-Hauptscharführer Wilhelm Boigk, seen below, who administered 1st aid and dragged Otto Funk to safety would be killed on 4.7.44. He was 30 years old and left behind a wife and children.
OttoFunk, will eventually re-join his division where he will fight until May 8, 1945, when he was captured believing that Germany was still going to win the war!
Otto Funk passed away on 11 September 2011.
39/45 Magazine No64, Otto Funk ca. Georges Bernages
Blood and Honor: The History of the 12 SS Panzer Division "Hitler Youth', Michael Reynolds;
1943-1945; Kriegsgeschichte der 12.SS-Panzer Division 'Hitlerjugend' Band II, Hubert Meyer
Last. SS-Oberschütze Klaus Schuh and SS-Unterscharführer Peter Koslowski in the alley in Rots. This is not SS-Schütze Günther Hamel as has been misidentified and reposted incorrectly.
...my MG 42 cracks to life. At the same time that I open fire I get a shock at the top of my left arm, which throws me onto my side. My partner, Klaus Schuh, immediately resumes firing the MG...