Obama Nation

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No matter who wins it will be more of the same. Pretty much always is with a few exceptions.
They ALL want change. That is what is behind every canidate No matter what happened with the previous administration they all want change.

You are right to a degree... But some want to change a few things, while others want to do a bit more deeper reform. Apples and Oranges really...

Yeah, probably naive... but I do believe in Obama, more than any other recent democratic nominee. I will always vote Democratic since that's my leaning, but usually I view it as voting for puppets. I don't feel that way with Obama.

Also, maybe I'll get flamed for this... I'm really excited about the idea of a person of color in the White House. Sure it shouldn't matter what a person's background is, but with as f'd up as our country is (civil rights only 44 years ago) that's pretty impressive; and too me signals a major shift in our country.

I agree. My Wife thinks that he's doomed because of his race, which I can see a bit here in the South... some people are just ignorant. But, I'm very impressed that things have changed so much in these past few decades. It's exciting to see both an African American and a woman both getting so close to the White House... really shows a change in how we view things in this country.

And I totally agree, I don't feel like Obama is simply a party puppet.. he really makes me believe... and that is really something. I haven't been interested in politics for years, simply because they all seemed like they didn't have our best interests at heart.
:lol I'm actually surprised it didn't start spinning off into a hate war at the start. Maybe all the crazies are asleep. :D

I think Kit nailed it. People become less passionate about stuff they can't control. At the end of the day does it all really matter? They all suck IMO. :lol
So glad this thread hasn't flamed yet.

It is just a great discussion. Keep up being polite.

What we really need in this country now.
You are right to a degree... But some want to change a few things, while others want to do a bit more deeper reform. Apples and Oranges really...

Yeah, I guess so. I just hope whoever wins they actually can and will do something. We have been promised things in the past that didn't come though.
I agree. My Wife thinks that he's doomed because of his race, which I can see a bit here in the South... some people are just ignorant. But, I'm very impressed that things have changed so much in these past few decades. It's exciting to see both an African American and a woman both getting so close to the White House... really shows a change in how we view things in this country.

Kinda hoping that he will get more disenfranchised people to vote; the poor, minority groups, apathetic students :)lol), etc. I think there are a lot more people who are motivated for change, but don't feel like anyone will deliver.
If people think that the lobbying firms don't have a hold on Obama, they are wrong. All politicians take money from lobbyist, either directly or indirectly. Obama takes money by a process called "bundling." This means that he indirectly takes money from people representing lobbying firms. All he did was rework the system. In Washington, whether Obama wins or not, it will be business as usual. Personally, I am stuck in a situation where I don't like either candidate. Once again, I am stuck with a choice of lesser or two evils. Nothing will change.....
What can I say as a German??? I am going to explain you the German opinion of Americans since 9/11 - the anti trror fight Bush has started:

Without the shadow of a doubt the USA is the most powerfull country at least in the western world - maybe all over the world. They can buil up prisons such as guantanamo forgetting about human rights without any consequences. They can start a war against Afghanistan and Iraq, kill thousands of innocent people without any consequences. And what are the Europeans doing against it? NOTHING. Brave American soldiers in their 20s die every day. Why? For nothing. NOTHING! What is Obama or McCain doing against this? Agaim the answer will be nothing. McCain is only a synonym for Bush, only difference: he went to scholl and got injured in Vietnam. Attitude is obviously the same. Obama, a new Kennedy? Come on--- The Kennedy-era is over and will never return. "Time for change"... Change is nothing one man can bring to a whole nation, BUT he could start. At least having a black president will be a kind of change, positive change. But Obama made his point clear, he will be willing to do everything concerning the Iran, "everything"... So no change there. The American army will bomb a country and the German soldiers will go there afterwards and rebuild it.
I have friends who were going to Afghanistan and Iraq. Were I frightened to lose them? Sure as hell. Were they frightened? Forget about asking a guy who was there about fear.
Lets bring it to the point: War is BULL^^^^. It is nothing that concerns just a few people. IT WILL CONCERN YOU AND ME. And there is nothing we can do about. Go to election and choose Obama or McCain. We will have to go to the critical areas no matter who you vote.
So the question is who will stop war: I say neither McCain nor Obama will be able to end the critical situation in Afghanistan or Iraq. 8 years are simply to short. Look at Kosovo. It is still a critical area.
Important is just the question who will start the change... Obamas slogan is " time for change"... He could be the man who starts the change... At least he seems to be more willing to change anything than McCain.
I guess electing Obama will be a good step in the right direction. Americans would elect their first black president, a man rhey seem to trust. And this is more important than anything else to achieve change. But neither Obama nor McCain will stop war in Afghanistan or Iraq as rhey are simply not able to in such a short period of time...
Just a German point of view... :rolleyes:
I know I am for Obama but I don't trust that there isn't some crazyass American who might take him out, which in itself is sad to say. I am in McCain's home state (well at least the state he represents anyway) and to me he doesn't give off the understanding of the common man. For Christsake he was recently asked about how many houses he has and he stumbled and told the reporter to ask his staff because he didn't know. Come on man, who doesn't know how many houses you own. I don't think Barrack is the "chosen one" but I agree with him more, here's hoping America can get passed his name and elect the right candidate. And for the thread's sake, this is just my own opinion.
You do not want to make your choice because of a Jay Leno show... :lol:rotfl:lol

Cmon go out and get yourself some information about politics. Jay Leno cannot be a reason for electing anyone.:rolleyes:

A lot of people voted for Clinton because he played the sax on Arsenio. :D
my prediction: this thread will not be here in the morning.
Hilary was brilliant tonight. One of the best speeches I've ever seen.
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