Got this today, the figure looks great but holy hell the arms cannot really be posed at all, they just go back into the box pose because the material of her suit will not move with the body. I'm not too bothered because it's just a character that I'll have stood with Batman, but there are definitely major issues with articulation
Maybe the body underneath is pretty bad too. That's why I asked if the suit is removable. With a body with more sturdy joints (stronger than the material resistance) it may hold the pose. Did they use a random old Hot Toys/ Truetype body ? These things need to disappear. Figures at this price (even if it's less than the Jazzinc version) should use unique bodies each time.
That's also what's driving me out of this hobby. How did we get here, accepting to pay 300$ for a head sculpt and some clothes ? Because seriously the bodies underneath are pieces of crap 90% of the time. Hot Toys make more sturdy bodies now, but other companies use the cheapest hollow and flimsy pieces of crap possible with loose joints and inaccurate skin color compared to the head sculpt.
And then you look at the 1/12 figures market with Neca producing unique sculpts for each figure for 40$...
Ok it's not soft goods...but still, it's more work.
Companies also rely on tbleagues bodies that they don't produce themselves and charge 300$ for a head, a skirt and a few accessories like a gun...
I hate tbleague bodies too, but to each their own. For me it's not a long time investment, because they deteriorate over time, sometimes really fast if you live in a warm area.
Figures that expensive need sturdy bodies with good sturdy joints, with accurate proportions to the actors/actresses and with clothes made for these proportions. They shouldn't use the same random hot girl with big ****s garbage body. Or the same male bodies with fat suits to change the proportions. Make fat bodies, damn it !
At least this figure seem to have a nice enough suit, maybe not great (the printed stitches) but with a choice of material that show they tried to do something that won't crumble into pieces of leather (because it's not leather...)
But if it's made to tightly fit a random crappy body, it may not be even possible to use a better body...
Sorry for the rant...but still, I'm a bit disgusted by the crazy prices today that don't reflect better quality at all, aside from a few exceptions. And I'm tired to customize all my figures to give them less crappy bodies.