It's crazy how this figure is making me want to watch B&R again and actually mull over buying this character. I've been tempted to get Robin too but without Batgirl it feels incomplete for this particular film.
I feel like you don't pre-order much of anything these days. The last one was ROTJ Vader, yeah?Yep... just PO'd. Can't resist a colorful villain.
I feel like you don't pre-order much of anything these days. The last one was ROTJ Vader, yeah?
Ah okay -- so you're still actively collecting just not at a particularly high rate. Makes sense given what you seem to collect and how long you've been at it.I don't PO too much from Sideshow... and, yeah, very little from HT these days. I still have way too many figures. Vader was one of my last SS HT POs along with Artisan Sparrow, Maul 2.0 and Grievous. Mars, JazzInc and a few random companies fill my POs these days.
Curious to see Wor-Gar’s collection, sure more figures than anyone on here lol.
Sometimes, it's so much easier to find entertainment value in a film that's not taking itself too seriously.It’s funny for a long time I was convinced I didn’t like Batman & Robin. Don’t get me wrong it’s still not great and far from my favorite Batman movie, but I watched it a couple of months ago and it actually isn’t as bad as I remembered. The caveat being that you have to view it purely as camp. From that perspective I think it has some entertainment value even though it’s super corny.
WOR-GAR NEVER SELLS!!Too long... too many...![]()
Bury yourself with them like an Egyptian Pharaoh, maybe they will come to life and serve you in the hereafter.Regrettably.
But one day, some lucky children's hospital will have a field day with my collection. If they even care by then. Maybe they'll sue me for bringing toxic plastic into a hospital.