Hot Toys - MMS 799 & MMS 800 - Batman & Robin: Mr. Freeze 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure

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It's crazy how this figure is making me want to watch B&R again and actually mull over buying this character. I've been tempted to get Robin too but without Batgirl it feels incomplete for this particular film.
Looking more into this, but I don’t think Mr. Freeze will fit inside a Detolf with the Deluxe diorama base. Figure is 13.20 inches, base looks around 2 inches. Each shelf is about 15 inches, so would be really tight, unless you remove the bottom portion of the base like the identical Batman XE Suit base.
I feel weirdly conflicted about this,
Its a complete surprise to be sure - and a pleasant one at that.

On one hand - its an objectively cool looking figure, has real presence and a lot of details and features for a darn decent price.

On the other hand - this Freeze is from the worst Bat-film ever, the portrayal lacks the character's post-BTAS gravitas, and the sheer amount of silver-chrome in the character design is a little much for me.
I was really hoping HT or another company would take on one of his Arkhamverse designs.

On the other other hand - this is just a whole lot of fun a far as figures go!

On the other other other hand - I dont have any of the figures from the "goofier" Bat-films despite being tempted by the Soosootoys Bathrobe Freeze, Mars Toys Carrey Riddler and others.

On the other other other other hand - Its a decent 1/6 Mr Freeze, who is a Bat-villain who doesnt get a lot of love in 1/6, in fact despite being one of my fave villains he is a character I still dont have a figure of.

Choosing Fred Armisen GIF by IFC
This figure is going to go inside my BF shelf. He will fit nicely with Sonar batman, Mars Riddler and Mars Two-Face. I don't like those huge dx square bases though. He will need a slimmer custom base of some kind. I don't know how wide the figure will be yet so i have to wait until i can be sure the best fit.
I didn't like the movie.
Hated the Freeze design back then because, to me, Victor Fries is supposed to be a thin, frail scientist, not a huge, muscular Austrian guy.
Also, he should have his signature clear dome to make him breathe the cold air and keep his skin and eyes frozen.

Yep, preordered the figure.
Now I love it, the fun design n all.
Still don't know how i am going get the usb cable to him inside the detolf. That hole on the top is way to small for a usb head to feed through. I may have to not have him in the detolf.

I mean i could drill a larger hole in either the base of the detolf or somewhere on the top, but i don't really want to do that.
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I feel like you don't pre-order much of anything these days. The last one was ROTJ Vader, yeah?

I don't PO too much from Sideshow... and, yeah, very little from HT these days. I still have way too many figures. Vader was one of my last SS HT POs along with Artisan Sparrow, Maul 2.0 and Grievous. Mars, JazzInc and a few random companies fill my POs these days.
I don't PO too much from Sideshow... and, yeah, very little from HT these days. I still have way too many figures. Vader was one of my last SS HT POs along with Artisan Sparrow, Maul 2.0 and Grievous. Mars, JazzInc and a few random companies fill my POs these days.
Ah okay -- so you're still actively collecting just not at a particularly high rate. Makes sense given what you seem to collect and how long you've been at it.
It’s funny for a long time I was convinced I didn’t like Batman & Robin. Don’t get me wrong it’s still not great and far from my favorite Batman movie, but I watched it a couple of months ago and it actually isn’t as bad as I remembered. The caveat being that you have to view it purely as camp. From that perspective I think it has some entertainment value even though it’s super corny.
Curious to see Wor-Gar’s collection, sure more figures than anyone on here lol.

The majority is in the closet. The ones I have out in six detolfs are still too cluttered... I'm trying to whittle it down to 2-4 per shelf... but its so damn hard. I feel my shelves are more storage than actual "display"... I want to make it display worthy.
It’s funny for a long time I was convinced I didn’t like Batman & Robin. Don’t get me wrong it’s still not great and far from my favorite Batman movie, but I watched it a couple of months ago and it actually isn’t as bad as I remembered. The caveat being that you have to view it purely as camp. From that perspective I think it has some entertainment value even though it’s super corny.
Sometimes, it's so much easier to find entertainment value in a film that's not taking itself too seriously.

But one day, some lucky children's hospital will have a field day with my collection. If they even care by then. Maybe they'll sue me for bringing toxic plastic into a hospital.
Bury yourself with them like an Egyptian Pharaoh, maybe they will come to life and serve you in the hereafter.