HT original Predator- photo thread

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Re: my predator finally arrived

Congrats on your predator...Your happiness in having that great figure must have really prompted you to open a new thread for the Predator :)) I'm with you with happiness!
Well, it's not really a picture of the figure, not like people'd want :lol, anyway, I have my Pred wrapped to style his dreads, tomorrow I'll be done so once I have him and Dutch I'll be back to normal shots of the Predator, but, it didn't matter to take a picture of him to use as my model for this, so I did.


GREAT pic bro!! Where did you get the jungle background pic? A big jungle pic like that would look great displayed behind a P1 & Dutch figure!
GREAT pic bro!! Where did you get the jungle background pic? A big jungle pic like that would look great displayed behind a P1 & Dutch figure!

Just Google stuff like "jungle" "rainforest" "jungle trees", I found about 20 pictures I liked for Predator use.
that backround is from Crysis.
hey MaulFan could you make a picture like this with the reso of 1680x1050? Id really love it as a wallpaper :p.
Re: my predator finally arrived

Congrats but I think you broke the unwritten rule that only a select couple of names are actually allowed create new threads for their new figure arrivals. Not judging anyone either way but it does seem to be, as I said, an unwritten rule here.
Re: my predator finally arrived

Lol Bit of an over statement don't you think? But the point is, if everyone gets excited over getting the Predator and each posts their own photo threads, the board is then clogged up with the same crap...Thats the point of having a dedicated thread so we can share everyone's pics.
Unwritten rule yes, only a select few are allowed to do it maybe...
Pics are still very nice though
Re: my predator finally arrived

I agree, these posts belong in the already created HT P1 threads, there are two large ones already in existence...
Re: my predator finally arrived

I agree we don't want to see new threads starting every time an individual gets his figure. The existing thread suffices. Its just I remember when Wookster posted his thread that seemed superfluous to me at the time since everyone was already by that point using Wookster's other thread with the initial Hi-res photos to post their own in-hand pics. Thats what I was getting at about the select few guys 'allowed' to post their own "just got my fig" threads - no one complained because it was Wookster. And I'm not criticising Wookster, if anyone should be allowed fill up the boards with his own threads its him as hes the one who is so often the bringer of news, the first pics and also his reviews over at Michael Crawfords site.
Just one bad iPhone photo I took this morning of the duo. I'm really happy with how well Hot Toys was able to hide the Predator's torso articulation on this one, compared to the Predator 2 figure.

GAHHH!!!! I'm getting sick of looking at theses pics knowing that Sideshow wont be shipping mine for some time still.

I would have gone through another vender but I had $30 worth of old Sideshow points.
Re: my predator finally arrived

if everyone gets excited over getting the Predator and each posts their own photo threads, the board is then clogged up with the same crap...Thats the point of having a dedicated thread so we can share everyone's pics.

Just one bad iPhone photo I took this morning of the duo. I'm really happy with how well Hot Toys was able to hide the Predator's torso articulation on this one, compared to the Predator 2 figure.


IMO the iphone comes with an excellent camera, your pic looks awesome btw, congrats!
yea that is a kick ass pic, especially for a phone.

verrry niiice !!!!!
Thanks guys. I did what I can with what I have. Here's some more photos; again the quality is not very good but you guys might enjoy the poses:







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