Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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This place is always better when JJ's here.

I actually painted the body of Landon. That was the first humans I ever worked on. You can tell he was painted. It's got lot's of paint on his skin.

Later on, I learned to just dry brush the skin tones on the humans as I did with your BridgeKeeper. I used just enough dry brushing on it to kill the plastic sheen.

Thanks Angel... The feeling is mutual!
I don't recall how JJ did his frame Ironman, but I do remember how I did mine. I started off using a small custom wooden frame. Later, I gave it a melted look using ... tah dah...

I made a custom frame out of balsa and wood putty for the burnt melting effect. I think Angel and my frame look so much the same is because of the way we painted them

STICKS... Don't put me in the ground yet, I'm still alive and kicking....

LOL, sorry JJ I didn't mean for it to sound like that! :lol

It's always great to hear from you buddy.

I'm just posting some of my Civil War, and Native American Indians on R&R's site. It's a slow site but they are great people there, just like the ones in this thread.

Time to go make dinner, take my medication, then off to bed to read.

JJ how's work going for you, and are you working on any new Projects? I'll catch your reply tomorrow. Have a good night buddy, and everyone else. :wave:sleep
I really know how you feel about that, I don't go on too much, but I do post my videos there and it would be great to get some feedback from you, PZ, and Dr. Z

It's only a minute long. :rolleyes: It took two months to create and SS didn't even post it at all during the contest, OUCH that hurt.

I just wanted to let you know that I posted a comment back at Facebook concerning your film... a really enjoyable little film.

But Facebook, I dunno... I get the creeps when I'm on it. :horror:horror:horror
I see you liked my Sam Elliott IS Caspy idea, huh? LOL

That was a GREAT find that YOU came up with Ironman! That sculpt of "Caspy" is just awesome! However, Mine is actually a mask, not a full head sculpt like you would think. It comes off to reveal the Sideshow mutant. The actual SS mutant is hidden underneath that mask. JJ came up with idea.

All those apes you showed are absolutely stunning. What an army we could amass if we ALL got together. :naughty

Thanks again Ironman. Some of them are lacking and can't compete with the others. That's just the way some projects are. That's why that one is called a background chimp. He'll be in the far background. Sometimes you strike gold and sometimes you don't.
I love the bloodshot Gorilla, I thought he was in the film?

KFOG here's all the goodies I got from R&R this week.

Grant contemplates his best approach to Vicksburg. Everything opens and has real items inside, like bread, ammo, cartridges, shells great stuff.


Gosh! I love all that furniture and stuff. It adds so much to the figure(s) and to the photo.
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That was a GREAT find that YOU came up with Ironman! That sculpt of "Caspy" is just awesome! However, Mine is actually a mask, not a full head sculpt like you would think. It comes off to reveal the Sideshow mutant. The actual SS mutant is hidden underneath that mask. JJ came up with idea.

WHAT!! Even when i have a good idea you manage to 1 up me!! You crafty simian you!! Is the mask resin or rubber?
How did the Fat Man sculpt ever come out. No mutant ensemble is complete without him!!
I'll post a picture of the Fat Man tonight if you'd like Ironman. I can get his face very similar, but it lacks details such as "wrinkles". My painting isn't something I'm proud of on him. I spent too much time on him and just have to accept him as done… for now. Perhaps someday I'll try to rework him so that I am pleased. Not now though.

I will post some pictures of my Dodge tonight too. I made him about 2-3 years ago and I know I can improve on that sculpt now. I'll post the BEFORE pictures tonight. Sometime, really soon, I'll be re-doing him. :)
I just wanted to let you know that I posted a comment back at Facebook concerning your film... a really enjoyable little film.

But Facebook, I dunno... I get the creeps when I'm on it. :horror:horror:horror

Good morning All,

I just saw that PZ, Thank you very much. I rarely do facebook, except to post my films or pictures, until i get my own website. As you can tell I don't do much else, oh and to talk to other family members. You are right, FB is the new Myspace. A lot of people have nothing better to do. I do like the video upload feature though, I've lost way too many videos from burned out hard drives and computer crashes. Thanks again PZ it means a lot to me.

All that need to check in now are Angel, and Dr. Z! I know JJ doesn't have an account so :tap:tap:lol
Gosh! I love all that furniture and stuff. It adds so much to the figure(s) and to the photo.

Thank you Angel, Everything opens and is fully functional. The desk is beyond words, it even has little locks on it. The bread crates have tiny loaves wrapped, labeled, individually tied, and snugly covered with minute sawdust particles.

The canon shells, have a range chart, and are painted.

The ammo, chairs, table etc are all amazing. I love their work, and they really love it too and it truly shows.