He said "Predators", not Predator.
Which I still find to be a load of bull____, considering no one has really pointed out a GOOD reason why Predators was bad, and I love that movie so god damn much.
It would appear that the main things people come up with are...
1. "PREDATURDS WUZ REMAKE OF PREDATUR AND BAD" ..... Which it wasn't, but I'm not surprised that the more bitter, blinded people believe so.
2. "I DUNT LEIK TOFU FOREMAN" ..... Good for you, I don't like Christian Bale, but that doesn't mean his movies are crap. Loved Reign of Fire..
3. "ALL DE ACTURDS WERNT BIG N MUSLEY LEIK AHNOLD SCHWARZENFOGTAJDJTOENBNDJDEGGER" .....And... They didn't need to be. They were all unique, had an interesting story/personality, and were incredibly badass. Yakusa Samurai, FBI's most wanted, insane manipulative doctor, etc...
i own predators, and I own the figures, I like the movie, but, the movie has problems, it could have been better,
i talked about this before but for me personally, the movie took too long for the action to happen, the first 20 minutes nothing big happens,
i mean, i wish the movie had more going on, seems like they left all the action for the end, In the original pred he only showed up at the end, true, but, arnold fought killed the other people, and predator hunted them one by one, so you were interested and entertained, in predators there are more than a few times i have to fast forward the movie now because when they are meeting each other it just drags and drags,
also, Tracker and Falconer could have been used better, well, the director was a total idiot because he did the same thing they did in AVP, which was to have chopper but do nothing with him, the movie should have had more predator action, it was focused on the humans too much, there was no balance.
Avatar wasn't nearly as bad as this guy's making it out to be. But it was also no where near as good as your average mindless movie viewer makes it out to be.
Designs were astonishing, that's about it.
Oh, and Neytiri. God she's so hawt.. I felt depressed after Avatar too, but only because she never took off her loin cloth and shizzle...

true, but, that guy makes some good points, Avatar does try TOO hard to make you hate the bad guys and to feel for the good guys, it becomes ridiculous actually, i just cant watch the ending without laughing, when they are shooting at the tree and the na'vi are running and the dramatic music, oh god, so cheesy, is worst than a Disney movie how cheesy it becomes