I've been considering buying Harley for a while, but if this is a common problem I'll have to make sure I buy from some place I can inspect the statue first. Or maybe I just won't bother and get the Amanda Connor Women of the DCU bust instead.
I've been considering buying Harley for a while, but if this is a common problem I'll have to make sure I buy from some place I can inspect the statue first. Or maybe I just won't bother and get the Amanda Connor Women of the DCU bust instead.
So i guess this issue is rather common. Now, i don't know if i'll be getting that Poison Ivy after all. (as she might have the same issues)
Upon closer inspection of the break area. I could tell that they didn't put enough glue during the manufacturing in the first place. Only a lil dab! WTF?
My Harley also had a clean break, thank goodness and i've since repaired her and you can't even tell the difference.
Thanks for the reply
I've been considering buying Harley for a while, but if this is a common problem I'll have to make sure I buy from some place I can inspect the statue first. Or maybe I just won't bother and get the Amanda Connor Women of the DCU bust instead.
so the DC site says the Trollop Hawkgirl is for sale on August 3, but i don't see her on the Diamond distribution list? anybody know???
so the DC site says the Trollop Hawkgirl is for sale on August 3, but i don't see her on the Diamond distribution list? anybody know???
How dare you insult my Hawkgirl!![]()
well have the whole line so far of dc cover girls and i think there all done well I mean what you want for 90 bucks?really I say if you like them buy them and dont listen to all the bullcrap others have to say.. to each there own![]()
No problem, bro.
Ivy is a great looking statue and looks fantastic next to Harley.
I don't know anyone who has had any problems with her out of the box.
I put that in there just for you![]()
I'd like my statues NOT to arrive broken, in an unopened box!! That's what i want
That's nice to know.. I think i might get Ivy, after i make some room for her, so she can stand next to Harley.
Better pic of the art for Death
She brings out the necrophiliac in me. I can almost smell that black lycra pressed up against my face it has a teeny tiny hint of rigor mortis laced pu##i
She brings out the necrophiliac in me. I can almost smell that black lycra pressed up against my face it has a teeny tiny hint of rigor mortis laced pu##i