Super Freak
A local distributor (western Canada) had this and Keaton Bats up early yesterday, 20 peices each for PO. They are all gone! This is gonna be a very popular figure despite the price.
A local distributor (western Canada) had this and Keaton Bats up early yesterday, 20 peices each for PO. They are all gone! This is gonna be a very popular figure despite the price.
Well I know one thing
@ £179.99 P+P for Bats and £199.99 +P+P for Joker,Forbidden Planet UK can kiss my a..........
That's $294.38 and $327.12 repectively+P+P........sheesh!!!!
I've got a feeling that OSB will be cheaper than this![]()
Yes but Joker + VAT = $318. Batman + VAT = $288. It's actually cheaper to buy FP than Sideshow's price + $50 shipping [prob] and then FedEx's £10.
They are / will be popular figures, but HT will pump out as many as are pre-ordered, so everyone will have one and then some...if nobody noticed yet, HT now saturates the market with their figures now compared to what they used to do.
is that a sign of the hobby being killed??
HT will pump out as many as are pre-ordered, so everyone will have one and then some...if nobody noticed yet, HT now saturates the market with their figures now compared to what they used to do.
If the price is too high, don't buy it. Vote with your wallet. You do that, maybe HT'll learn. Unfortunately, you _____ and buy, prepare to _____ some more because prices will only go up.![]()
If the price is too high, don't buy it. Vote with your wallet. You do that, maybe HT'll learn. Unfortunately, you _____ and buy, prepare to _____ some more because prices will only go up.![]()
If they plan on making more, I will probably just stick to one of these.
Too true. Sure higher prices merit a legitimate argument but when you _____ it to death and then buy it you look like a fool. I'd say 95% of people _____ing about the price will still buy them.
I admit when I saw the Joker price I was a little let down but I soon got over it cuz I MUST have this. End of story. _____ing won't lower the prices, I promise you.
Do they moan when the new iPhone is out and the price? or iPod... iPad, then you see them post 10+ on a desk of all the generations.
I expected $250 a piece so Batman was a pleasant surprise. Some of these people remind me of that guy in highschool who was with the hot chick who treated him like ____ and cheated on him left and right, always _____ed about her to the guys but he wouldn't even fathom leaving her because he was "dating the hot chick."
Joker for me is $293.49 shipped from Toys2. It's $264.99 from SSC. Looks like Sideshow gets this order, the question is To Flex or Not To Flex...
I think the key is if prices are going to keep going up then many will start being very selective about what they buy. Other than admittedly going overboard with Predators ( I now have all of them but the Ancients, Scar, Chopper, Elder AVP, the first wolf, and the BD Pred 2) I have been selective about what I buy. There are a decent amount of good figures that are must haves for me coming 4th quarter and with my grails finally coming (Keaton and Nicholson) I canceled my shadow pred order. I have enough preds and would like to branch out. That is probably what people will begin to do.
I work in finance and fully understand the concept of inflation but whats going on here really is getting close to pricing out the very people that have made it possible for HT to stick around 10+ years. A little over a year ago I bought a DX-02 from bbts for $189 and a while before that a DX-01 mint from ebay for $175. The DX-02 came with plenty more than the DX-08 and retailed for about $170. Sure we can blame the license for the 40% jump but I find it hard to think that a movie over 20 years old with close to zero merchandise released since its time would be the sole cause.
There's been an exponential increase in popularity for HT in the last 18 months and you've seen how argessive they've become with their license shopping spree, looks like the expansion is rapid and we're the ones that have to pay the price. But like someone else said, we have to decide to let our greenbacks do the protesting and maybe then they'll think twice about the preciptous rise in their msrp.
I said in the shadow pred thread that after 89 bats and joker I think I'm going to get out of the hobby. The prices are getting too high for my tastes and I have a crap load of them as it is. By the time 89 hits I'll have at least 1 figure of every major franchise I like. So barring them actually making BTTF figures I think I'm going to have to stop like it or not.