Transformers 4: Age of Extinction

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Re: Transformers 4: The Search for More Money

Yeah, yeah, let's all be honest and every guy will post "Kate Upton looks fine" blah blah. No need to rinse and repeat.

As for Optimus, the end of DSOTM killing off his enemies is a little off, in the context he was doing what needed to be done for the greater good but it did feel a little weird. I'm sure something will be done to redeem it though as they continue the series.
Re: Transformers 4: The Search for More Money

Be that as it may, he was defenseless at the end. Killing in battle is one thing, but personally, I don't consider anyone that kills a defenseless opponent as heroic or noble. Quite the opposite. Particularly when it's a character that I thought of as heroic and noble in my childhood.

That chick also looks fine to me, though, even with the extra poundage.

Different strokes for different folks I guess. I have no problem at all with how they handled that situation.
Re: Transformers 4: The Search for More Money

Be that as it may, he was defenseless at the end. Killing in battle is one thing, but personally, I don't consider anyone that kills a defenseless opponent as heroic or noble. Quite the opposite. Particularly when it's a character that I thought of as heroic and noble in my childhood.

That chick also looks fine to me, though, even with the extra poundage.
Agreed, they should have handed Osama a few guns and missiles before they shot him. You know, because he was just a poor defenseless terrorist..not a fair fight at all.

And I don't see anything wrong with the girl either.. :dunno
Re: Transformers 4: The Search for More Money

Agreed, they should have handed Osama a few guns and missiles before they shot him. You know, because he was just a poor defenseless terrorist..not a fair fight at all.

By that logic, Batman should kill the Joker and Superman should melt Lex Luthor into vapor with his heat vision. Do you really want to watch Superman execute his enemies?
Re: Transformers 4: The Search for More Money

Optimus ripping off Megatrons head was awesome.
Re: Transformers 4: The Search for More Money

By that logic, Batman should kill the Joker and Superman should melt Lex Luthor into vapor with his heat vision. Do you really want to watch Superman execute his enemies?
Would Superman or Batman be considered scum if they did kill the guys who have been killing innocent people for several years?

Put Lex in a wheelchair, I'd still like to see Superman vaporize him.
Re: Transformers 4: The Search for More Money

Would Superman or Batman be considered scum if they did kill the guys who have been killing innocent people for several years?

If it was in the heat of battle and there were no other choice, no. If they walked up to a defeated foe and executed them, yes.
Re: Transformers 4: The Search for More Money

You're kidding me right?

You think Superman would be this horrible monster of a person if after he defeats Luthor in some battle, he kills him?

..That just sense...

Making sure that he can never kill/harm innocent people again?...
Re: Transformers 4: The Search for More Money

You're kidding me right?

You think Superman would be this horrible monster of a person if after he defeats Luthor in some battle, he kills him?

..That just sense...

Making sure that he can never kill/harm innocent people again?...

Am I kidding that I think Superman taking it upon himself to summarily execute people would be wrong?

Are you kidding me?
Re: Transformers 4: The Search for More Money

More news from /Film

Our box office dollars asked for it and now Paramount is hoping to deliver a double dose. Earlier today, news broke that Hasbro is keen on getting director Michael Bay back behind the camera to shoot a fourth Transformers film. Variety is now reporting the plan is much bigger than that. They’re actually considering filming a fourth and fifth film simultaneously – much as Warner Bros. did with The Matrix sequels, Disney did with the second and third Pirates of the Caribbean films and Universal is considering with the sixth and seventh Fast and Furious movies. Transformers: Dark of the Moon screenwriter Ehren Kruger reportedly has an idea for both films and they’re current looking for writers. There’s more after the jump.

Variety’s story states that the decision to film both films in one big chunk actually saves money in the long run because there’s not as big a rush on expensive visual effects, no need for difficult contract negotiations with the actors and, in the case of Transformers, more time is given to designing and creating the all-important toy tie ins.

They also report Shia LaBeouf will not be back and that sources close to the production are, in fact, interested in Jason Statham to star in the films but no formal offer has been made.

If this does end up happening – and with the last film grossing over $1 billion dollars why wouldn’t it – it would be a massive commitment by all parties. In the past, Michael Bay was very vocal about wanting to move away from these films after three of them, and though doing two films back to back seems to go against that, Variety reports the aforementioned negotiations do suggest he’ll return. Personally, while I don’t want to see two more Transformer movies, I really don’t want to see two more Michael Bay Transformer movies. We’ve seen it. Let someone else have the huge checkbook.

What are your thoughts on this? Will it happen? Do you trust Ehren Kruger?
Re: Transformers 4: The Search for More Money

Bumblebee tried to have this same conversation with Optimus. Optimus ripped his lips off.
Re: Transformers 4: The Search for More Money

Bumblebee tried to have this same conversation with Optimus. Optimus ripped his lips off.


I wondered why he suddenly stopped talking again after the end of that first movie.
Re: Transformers 4: The Search for More Money

^ In a way it does...but not a 100%.

Bin Laden was a mass murderer, and if he was right there, anyone who lives in this world would want to take him out. Armed, or unarmed.

Sentinel was a mass murderer. He deserved the double tap to the face.
Re: Transformers 4: The Search for More Money

Sentinel was a mass murderer. He deserved the double tap to the face.

“Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends.”
Re: Transformers 4: The Search for More Money

Jason Statham in a Transformers movie would be freaking badass. I would love to see him in the next couple.
Re: Transformers 4: The Search for More Money

“Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends.”

You know, Batman doesn't kill people for this reason. '

And yet, the Joker just keeps on killing and killing and killing.

Yes, they deserve to die, and I hope they burn in hell! :lol

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