After that rant im wondering if you do realise this is a intentionally a non-canon and shoot everything up for the fun of it kind of game right? It is not meant to be reliving Resident Evil 2-3 through the eyes of a 3rd party and giving us some revelations. It is a anniversary lets make a giant clusterduck game full of all the Characters and Monster's of old and say goodbye to that era with a bang!
Resident Evil 6 was announced months ago yet we have not heard of anything yet. Hang on to that to feed your needs for a good serious RE game.
And besides none of us has even played RE : ORC yet. It might be the best game to date. RE 4 is complete 180 to anything prior but yet a lot of die hard RE fans think it is the best.
lol quite a rant. Its just, i grew up with the franchise and over the years my childhood obsession has been destoryed. RE4 was terrible to me because it was an action game. I mean, for christs sake we know magic herbs heal, but every single spanish townfolk with pitchforks arent going to drop magnum, SMG, pistol and shotgun rounds, let alone CREATURES dropping ammunition. I mean to me it wasa complete disaster that it was just an action game with no substance. Im happy people like it, and im glad they do. but that started the fall of the franchise. 5 was abysmal, Revalation looks.... well ill play it but not holding much hope. 6 i dont have much hope for.
I mean to be honest, if RE4 exchanged the spanish towns folk for Crimsons heads, it would be perfect. I mean think about it, instead of the slow zombies, Umbrella could have identified the Crimson head strain, made that into a weapon and that combined with the RE4 playing style would be perfect. Faster and more action-oriented gameplay, but the enemies are more deadly than these dumb 'ganandos' which charge upto you then stop infront of you for 10 seconds, it wouldve been the leap needed, faster, more survival based gameplay with the horror.
And im aware that REORC is non-canon, but its just, stupid on the whole premise to anyone with a heart for the originals. And it cant give revalations if its non-canon. My interest peaked with the footageof nicholai executing UBCS members and leaving them for zombies, but nicholai looks like he's 12, not in his late 30's or 40's like in Nemesis. Its just a complete bodge up, canon or not. And it might be a goodbye to that era, but they should cherish that because the original format lasted 10 years, 4 titled games, 2 FPS games, 2 Outbreak spin offs (which had some ace stories), yet this 'new' direction has already grown old in 3 years of RE4 and Re5. Thats 2 games this new 'era' lasted, destroying leon's character, destroying Chris redfield, jill valentine and my god we know what they did to Albert Wesker. They massacred the characters completly.
I mean, a total of RE1/RE2/RE3/CV, then we had REmake and Zero (which to me, REmake was the pinnicle of Resident evil, i could happily adopt the RE4 over the shoulder to the REmake and it wouldnt loose any brilliance, which is what they shouldve done, sped the gameplay and the enemies up), Survivor, Survivor 2, Dead Aim, Outbreak and Outbreak file 2., Gaiden. 12 games that era and gameplay style lasted.
i hope its a true return to form in 6. I mean, RE5 i loved the section where you in the laboratory from old umbrella, the lickers, the scratches on the wall, the blood, suspense, the gore. the whole game shouldve been like that, just without the retarded enemies of Plagas/ganando's/majini.
Second rant over with, im staying away from resident evil thread now lmao!