Hot Toys - MMS130 - Predators: Berserker Predator (Full Spec & Pics)

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ive just had to put my berserker, falconer & Royce on ebay money is tight & had to chose between predator stuff or terminator salvation & unfotunatly it was the pred stuff :( boo hoo
I highly regret selling mine. You wouldnt think in auction it would sell for less than £90 (complete)
dunno why but the falconer has never been hard to get hold of really compared to the rest & it has stayed around the £150 mark. I dont expect mine to go over £100 but its still £50 saving over buying brand new & mine is mint been in stiorage since it was bought & its got no issues, u might buy a brand new one & it has issues :) im plugging as much as i can here hahaha
ive just had to put my berserker, falconer & Royce on ebay money is tight & had to chose between predator stuff or terminator salvation & unfotunatly it was the pred stuff :( boo hoo

Sorry to hear about that bro.
Sometimes, that's what we have to do.

I would have put the terminator stuff for sale. :wink1:

Good luck with your sale.
lol i knew someone would say that :lol the reson i decided to let the pred stuff go was due to the fact i have every single figure from the Terminator salvation line & if i started to get rid of some of them it would be incomplete & hard to replace them in the future if i wanted. Plus i only had 3 of the predators & seem to be more sought after than the terminator stuff Im tempted to bring the auction early to finish as the interest in them is overwhelming theres some persistant people out there wants this stuff :yess:
lol i knew someone would say that :lol the reson i decided to let the pred stuff go was due to the fact i have every single figure from the Terminator salvation line & if i started to get rid of some of them it would be incomplete & hard to replace them in the future if i wanted. Plus i only had 3 of the predators & seem to be more sought after than the terminator stuff Im tempted to bring the auction early to finish as the interest in them is overwhelming theres some persistant people out there wants this stuff :yess:

No doubt.
After all, you're the one that'll be looking at the collection the most.
Gotta enjoy what you're looking at.
From my collection of “nine” Hot Toys consisting of Berserker, Tracker, Dog Alien, T-600, T1 T-800, T-1000, Indiana Jones, Sweeny Todd and Jack Sparrow many of my friends have said that the Berserker looks the best.
These are non collector friends, so they are not known to all on different Predators, Aliens etc that are out there.

I am one of those collectors that does not need every Predator or Alien. I think when you have multiple Aliens in a display it devalues the look of a individual piece. These are high end collectables having a hoard of Aliens in a display makes it look messy and affordable. I keep my HT’s one per shelf.

That being said I am very much on the fence with the new City Hunter figure. I do want it, but I do not want three Predators in my collection. The solution might be to pass on the HT release and purchase the 1/4 scale Neca version (cheaper) and display him in another corner of my room.




I am one of those collectors that does not need every Predator or Alien. I think when you have multiple Aliens in a display it devalues the look of a individual piece. These are high end collectables having a hoard of Aliens in a display makes it look messy and affordable. I keep my HT’s one per shelf.
I agree. I am guilty of owning all but 2 HT Predators and All but 1 HT resident Evil figure at the same time and thus having to shelf share with 2+3 figures per shelf. But i have cut down quite a bit over the last few months. And like you i like to keep a single piece to a shelf (unless the figures are seen as a duo in terms of just.. what they are).

Great display pics too. Well spaced and very classy.

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