Hot Toys - MMS130 - Predators: Berserker Predator (Full Spec & Pics)

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From my collection of “nine” Hot Toys consisting of Berserker, Tracker, Dog Alien, T-600, T1 T-800, T-1000, Indiana Jones, Sweeny Todd and Jack Sparrow many of my friends have said that the Berserker looks the best.
These are non collector friends, so they are not known to all on different Predators, Aliens etc that are out there.

I am one of those collectors that does not need every Predator or Alien. I think when you have multiple Aliens in a display it devalues the look of a individual piece. These are high end collectables having a hoard of Aliens in a display makes it look messy and affordable. I keep my HT’s one per shelf.

That being said I am very much on the fence with the new City Hunter figure. I do want it, but I do not want three Predators in my collection. The solution might be to pass on the HT release and purchase the 1/4 scale Neca version (cheaper) and display him in another corner of my room.

Wow, even with the Jack Sparrow figure, they still picked Berserker. Go Mr. Black!! :yess:

I'm hoping the upcoming P2 figure will blow everything else out of the water and be HT's best 1/6 predator to date.

Very nice collection. :clap
Damn, was re-arranging my display a bit as im awaiting more figures and i thought id take a couple of pictures of Berserker because until Tyrant comes he will be the "lead" figure. Really had a hard time finding the thread tho as this bad boy has dropped back to page 7?! Bump for the sake of this awesome figure.



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Just wait until Resident Evil 7... Or Predator 4! Or Resident Vs Predator
Even after getting the Classic, I still like the Berserker best, I think it is probably due to the red color in the hair and body markings. Definitely worth the price (Berserker is the most expensive of my 4 preds)
Damn, was re-arranging my display a bit as im awaiting more figures and i thought id take a couple of pictures of Berserker because until Tyrant comes he will be the "lead" figure. Really had a hard time finding the thread tho as this bad boy has dropped back to page 7?! Bump for the sake of this awesome figure.




Awesome display! :clap
Hey guys, thought maybe someone can help me out with an ebay issue here

I recently sold my HT Berzerker Predator on ebay and the guy paid $156 plus shipping for him. I listed the item as used, but didnt list any defects since I didnt think there was any since Ive been the only owner and I take good care of my collectibles. The guy had emailed me before the auction ended asking if there were any paint chips or missing or broken pieces in which I responded No not that Im aware of. Now I got an email from.him stating that he is very happy with the transaction but there are several places on the body where it looks like the paint has been worn down, mainly in the red scales.

Now this is something I was not aware of and honestly did not notice when having this figure. I asked for pictures and he showed me some. But Im not sure if this is a factory defect or what? He doesnt want to return the item but he wants to know if I can "soften the blow" and offer a partial refund due to these "paint defects"

Mind you I also included the Classic Predators base and battle damaged Bio.

Here are the pics he provided:

I dont know if this was a common problem on all Berzerkers or if this is an isolated issue and I failed to see it.

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

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Heres his email to me

" Hey Man, hope the baby is doing alright. Just got back from my vacation, and opened the berserker. Honestly, I am satisfied with everything - the mask works, the classic predator set looks greats, joint is not too loose---except a major problem. There were many areas of paint wear, especially the red scales...they seemed to be partially rubbed off on the chest, thigh and some on forearm. Now I know this is used item, but I did ask you prior to bidding if there were paint wear, and you said this kind of come as a shock and disappointment, since I really wanted this figure for the great paint job that it boasts. I am really satisfied with this transaction with you, had it been other minor defect I would overlook easily, but paint wear at this level is king of a biggie for collector.As a rule of thumb, I do not ship item back for return. So I hope you can do something reasonable to compensate me. Thanks alot, and again, I am happy to do business with you."

He seems like a nice guy, but I honestly dont recall those pain rubs and if they were there they arent noticeable. Or at least I wasnt picky enough to see them. :dunno

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They all have the paint damage of some kind. I know the chest on mine is pretty bad (and the silver dread beads have lost their colour over time... and the LED's no longer work) Go through the previous HQ pictures in this thread. (you could probably compile a bunch of random peoples photos to show evidence of this, or direct the guy here)
because somebody decided to make the forum more awkward a while ago and split up the statues from the figures. But wasnt thorough enough and now its twice as hard to navigate because some figures arent even in the figures sub forum.

Change it back powers that be!
Heres his email to me

" Hey Man, hope the baby is doing alright. Just got back from my vacation, and opened the berserker. Honestly, I am satisfied with everything - the mask works, the classic predator set looks greats, joint is not too loose---except a major problem. There were many areas of paint wear, especially the red scales...they seemed to be partially rubbed off on the chest, thigh and some on forearm. Now I know this is used item, but I did ask you prior to bidding if there were paint wear, and you said this kind of come as a shock and disappointment, since I really wanted this figure for the great paint job that it boasts. I am really satisfied with this transaction with you, had it been other minor defect I would overlook easily, but paint wear at this level is king of a biggie for collector.As a rule of thumb, I do not ship item back for return. So I hope you can do something reasonable to compensate me. Thanks alot, and again, I am happy to do business with you."

He seems like a nice guy, but I honestly dont recall those pain rubs and if they were there they arent noticeable. Or at least I wasnt picky enough to see them. :dunno

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It sounds like he knew there was a factory defect because that was my problem on my berserker out of the package , i get the problem is he was looking for a perfect one but as the first of the super predators i think they all had something wrong with them.He is telling you the truth i think but again there all like this, your description was good and he should be happy with your price.I mean 159 for berserker wow
Tell him refund only and sell it for the same and it would sell in one day , i would buy it from you.I was looking for a good priced one and if could i would have sprung for that price.If you partial him its a bad deal any less than 160 is a ripe off, he is worth 200 and will climb in price in the years

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