help me?
Put left one on right, and right one on left...

The shortest angle should be toward the front, and keep in mind the curved edge is along the cowl.

help me?
See Below.
Thanks void!
Nope, only mod I did was the clips, other than that the cape and gaunts are takbats stuff.
So I am sorry if I am slow. But that is the con exclusive with nothing else added but the gauntlets? That looks so bad ass.
Is the Takara cap better than the LF custom cape. I am assuming the Takara is impossible to find now a days. So no neck mod are anything. I like this version a lot more than the DK version.
Is this one better than the first DK release version?
It's a matter of opinion, but I liked the Dark Knight version better.
I've never had the OC version, but just the pics I've seen of it, I like the Toys Fair version better.
In hand, I prefer the Toy Fair version.
BUT - you have to be lucky to get one problem free, and there does appear to be plenty of variation in how nice the finish of the suit is. I have 2 and they are different.
So if you were gonna buy one now after all you know which one would you buy?
Sorry I haven't read all this thread but I am assuming there is ankle breakage problem. Are there any solutions?
I would buy the 2011 version for sure. There are solutions to the ankle breakage, involving replacing the foot inside the boot with another HT foot (sanded down I believe). There's a tutorial here somewhere.
I knew I could count on you. Ha
You got any pics of how you have yours set up? I love your display pics.