Super Freak
Beto's Myers sculpt on my custom body with the dyed Saturday Toys jumpsuit.


Beto's Myers sculpt on my custom body with the dyed Saturday Toys jumpsuit.
Thanks, PCK! The good news is I've had a good run of time to do private commission work, and it's getting caught up. If I keep going at this rate, I may be able to accept new clients in a few months.
And here is my own Myers with TheMadBug's Myers sculpt, painted and haired by me, along side my Judith Myers headstone (castings available). In my opinion, TheMadBug most successfully captured the Shatnerness and the blankness of the '78 Myers mask.
I used a standard narrow shoulder body and the Saturday Toys blue jumpsuit redyed.
That is really a great sculpt. I don't think I've seen it.
Yeah TheMadDog didn't get a lot of credit for this sculpt but it is great. I bought one and it does look very good.
Where's the thread?
$50 for haired and painted! Damn, you talk about a deal! I missed. I think that sculpt is fantastic!
$50 for haired and painted! Damn, you talk about a deal! I missed. I think that sculpt is fantastic!
I'll hit you guys back about the headstone.
Yeah, I ended up telling Mark Beadle that his sculpts were great, but he wasn't charging nearly enough for the quality. I wonder if his low prices may have created a false sense in people that they weren't as worthy. I knew right away though that they were top notch.
Nathan, you are an absolute master! I knew my sculpts had more potential than my amateur painting skills could show, but these look great! Really, really nice work.
You can bet your butt I'll be reposting these pics!
Thanks for the kind words, everyone.
you know how it goes certain people like other people stuff and can't give other artist their due and then all the hating begins and the sad part about it all is that it scares artist away who have great sculpts but are afraid to show them because their afraid of the backlash. really stupid imo. but that's a great head sculpt right their. i also like cains v-2 but i'm afraid it might never see the light of day.Thanks Caine.
I keep hearing reference to some sort of Myers incident, but have no idea what people are talking about. I somehow missed it entirely. I guess that's a good thing, but I am still curious. Anybody want to "cautiously" catch me up, maybe without specific names, just a general overview...
Repost them all you like. Thanks for the great sculpts. It was a pleasure to bring them to life.