Demi G0D Overseer
Jesus, would it kill ya to read a paper or listen to the news once in a while?

Jesus, would it kill ya to read a paper or listen to the news once in a while?
Jesus, would it kill ya to read a paper or listen to the news once in a while?
I'll be honest.. I've never read/listened to any of those all the way through.
But now you see what I mean. I think Jax was talking about taking their operation to the press which would result in a huge scandal, since the CIA is directly involved in smuggling both arms and drugs.
I would have to agree with Devil, granted the issuing of the badges is pretty strange. The reason why SAMCRO is not in prison is that the Cartel needs them to supply guns and mule drugs. Why would the CIA need guns supplied by illegal sources? I read the whole thing as good old Uncle Sam saying "we would prefer you guys winning the drug war and doing our dirty work for us, so here is a get of free jail card, but nothing else"
True, but the problem I have with that scenario is all the other stuff Romero and Luis have done which doesn't fit with the whole "CIA Agents" idea. They organized the proposed kidnapping and murder of Jax's lady (whatever her name is!?)
not to mention they've killed numerous people on the show themselves. I honestly don't see any CIA agents agreeing to do all that for a job.
To me, seems more plausible that they're real cartel members i.e. criminals who got shiny little badges from the CIA in exchange for doing dirt on the side (in other countries) for the government.
If that were the case, it would be the single most stupid aspect of this show to date.
As opposed to them just being undercover CIA agents who just happen to run the entire cartel!?
Meh.. you just made me hate this show. Thanks.
Y'know, the only thing that really bugs me is when Charlie Hunnam's accent sneaks in, usually with his baby voice talking to his kids, or when he says 'fam-ah-lee'. . . Americans just say 'fam-lee', but even when he shouts it, and he's angry, when most Americans talk fast, he still pronounces every syllable.
Just one of those things I can never un-hear now.![]()
Enjoyed last nights episode.Glad to see Opie back with the club