DX Predator?

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Super Freak
Nov 12, 2012
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United States
Looking at the Terminator DX figures coming out, I am wondering if they will ever do any of the predator figures in a DX line. I think the PERS feature would be wicked on a predator figure.

Perhaps an added benefit would be a revist of the AVP predators: Chopper, Scar, Celtic, and Elder in the DX line with the issues from the previous figures improved upon and them some as Hot Toys always seems to do.

So what do you all think?
I think a DX Elder would be the way to go.
Elder is already double to triple its original price in the second market. With a DX Predator box, PERS eyes, and possible a Trophy Wall accessory, I think Hot Toys could provide a DX figuer that ha the potential to sell out quick.
But, the price on this figure, I would see being over the $300 price range.
Only Predator that deserves the DX treatment is the original IMO.

Besides, HT has said the DX line is for "Very Iconic" characters, and I dont really see any of the AVP Preds (or P2 for that matter) as film "icons".

But yeah, Id gladly sell my Classic/P1 conversion for a new updated official Jungle Hunter DX. :lecture
I was actually thinking the other day if we ever got a DX Predator what would i want? And even though its from my least Favourite predator related movie... id want a DX Berserker. I just love the design. I think a bit of height could be added to it, maybe give it a rubber flesh like body, give it a bigger more accurate head. Classic Pred style diorama and the EX Could have decaptitated Classic head. Hell, the diorama base could have mombasa impaled on the spikes like the t-1000 that comes with DX13

That being said i think the MMS is really nice too. I actually quite fancy buying one. If it wasnt Christmas shortly id probably nab one if i could get it for £100 2nd hand
Only Predator that deserves the DX treatment is the original IMO.

Besides, HT has said the DX line is for "Very Iconic" characters, and I dont really see any of the AVP Preds (or P2 for that matter) as film "icons".

But yeah, Id gladly sell my Classic/P1 conversion for a new updated official Jungle Hunter DX. :lecture


P1 DX would be ideal. The way it's eyes stared in the movie was creepy. Of course, I'd only want a DX of it if the sculpt was accurate, which HT has had a hard time of doing lately with Tsang around.
Besides, HT has said the DX line is for "Very Iconic" characters.

They say that but to be honest that's only because the iconic characters are more likely to sell well. Having 2 DX terminators so close together just showed me how money hungry they are at the moment and it's put me off collecting for a bit.

As far as a DX predator goes, with it having 2 editions already and both being pretty well done IMO. I can't see a DX pred ever getting released nor would I probably buy it.

A premium format predator is a no brainer though with the release of the PF Dutch.
Speaking of a DX, I would love to see the Original Predator re-done, with a sculpt similar to P2 Elder. And if its to much to ask, Have the iconic Tree (Where he pinned dutch in the Unmasked scene) as the base. With that said, that would call for a Dutch DX as well, so we could pose him while the Predator Pins him to the tree.


P1 DX would be ideal. The way it's eyes stared in the movie was creepy. Of course, I'd only want a DX of it if the sculpt was accurate, which HT has had a hard time of doing lately with Tsang around.

Yeah, Not to really dog on Tsang, since I, very happy with my Classic P1 conversion, but HT really needs to look at outsourcing and getting other talented sculptors on board. Not sure if Kyle Windrex/Tank Man is obligated by contract with NECA but Id love to see them get him on board for a DX 1987 Jungle Hunter. :drool:

They say that but to be honest that's only because the iconic characters are more likely to sell well. Having 2 DX terminators so close together just showed me how money hungry they are at the moment and it's put me off collecting for a bit.

As far as a DX predator goes, with it having 2 editions already and both being pretty well done IMO. I can't see a DX pred ever getting released nor would I probably buy it.

A premium format predator is a no brainer though with the release of the PF Dutch.

I wont argue with HT getting greedy. Seems as of late theyve taken notice to the ridiculous prices on ebay and have decided to gauge future sales based on out of stock secondary prices off older figures which isnt fair. BUT as far as the DX10 and DX13 go. BOTH are very highly iconic representations of the character so I think both are justified. Its just a matter of preference to which version one likes better or if both are needed in their collections. I love T2. I love the T-800 in that film. He is one of my top 5 favorite film characters of all time so both representations are needed for me.

DX means pers and I think Predator's eyes might be too tiny for that.

Dont see why that would matter, if was a man in a suit after all. :dunno:

Speaking of a DX, I would love to see the Original Predator re-done, with a sculpt similar to P2 Elder. And if its to much to ask, Have the iconic Tree (Where he pinned dutch in the Unmasked scene) as the base. With that said, that would call for a Dutch DX as well, so we could pose him while the Predator Pins him to the tree.


I love that model kit and would love to have something similar done by HT if they did do a DX set.
Why should HT do a 1/6 DX figure when they could make a 1/4 as a DX version. I think they should go with that because the quater scale figures could be sculpted more accurately and more datailed. They did P1 and classic so I think its enough with these 1/6 versions. Now we need a bigger and more accurate Jungle Hunter.
Why should HT do a 1/6 DX figure when they could make a 1/4 as a DX version. I think they should go with that because the quater scale figures could be sculpted more accurately and more datailed. They did P1 and classic so I think its enough with these 1/6 versions. Now we need a bigger and more accurate Jungle Hunter.

Oh they'll be doing a 1/4 for sure. Im counting on it actually.

But why would HT stop at just a 1/4 version as money hungry as they are? We'll get an updated Jungle Hunter some time down the line.

I actually see it happening this way:

Hot Toys announces a 1/4 87 Predator. Brand new sculpt from head to toe. Release it.

Then later release the same figure scaled down to 1:6 since there will be many 1:6 collectors wanting the updated figure in their favorable scale.
They could do another 1/6 Jungle Hunter but I would't care for that one. I know that HT ist going to make a 1/4 Jungle Hunter but I also thought they could make it a DX version, if it's even possible. I've got my classic and im pretty happy with it so theres no need for a another one but maybe only if it's a lot better than the classic.

Oh they'll be doing a 1/4 for sure. Im counting on it actually.

But why would HT stop at just a 1/4 version as money hungry as they are? We'll get an updated Jungle Hunter some time down the line.

I actually see it happening this way:

Hot Toys announces a 1/4 87 Predator. Brand new sculpt from head to toe. Release it.
Then later release the same figure scaled down to 1:6 since there will be many 1:6 collectors wanting the updated figure in their favorable scale.
They could do another 1/6 Jungle Hunter but I would't care for that one. I know that HT ist going to make a 1/4 Jungle Hunter but I also thought they could make it a DX version, if it's even possible. I've got my classic and im pretty happy with it so theres no need for a another one but maybe only if it's a lot better than the classic.

Yeah like I said Im very happy with my current Classic, but if HT was able to "up the game" so to speak and make it as screen accurate as possible with a nice tree diorama base and a bunch of bells and whistles...maybe a new body with ab articulation and better hip and knee articulation so he can get in those deep roaring poses Id be happy to upgrade. But its really not needed IMO. The Classic is more than worthy in my collection as it is right now.
Yea then you'll have the same ol ppl who don't like PERS talking about googly eyes

I could see (and hope for actually) a DX Dutch though.

I wouldn't mind a Jungle Hunter with PERS. How about a 1/4 DX Jungle Hunter with PERS, Junglebase with tree, light up bio and light up wristcomputer.:pray: