Yes neither can I.

I really hope the City Hunter still ships out next Month because besides receiving the Samurai Predator (which amazingly I do not care much for) it has been too long since I have received a kickas* 1/6 Scale Predator from Hot Toys. Oh I long for the new figurine smell that cannot ever be mistaked for anyone else other than Hot Toys. It is a nice smell indeed which fills my whole room with pure Euphoria that lasts for about 3 days. The creaking of the fresh joints as I attempt to create my first pose and just the feeling I get deep in my heart and stomach...almost the same feeling when I fall in I finish posing the figure on it's stand.
That feeling is the strongest when I first open up the box to reveal the window where the new Predator figure can be seen in person...after Months of lusting over the images on sideshow's website finally seeing these figures for the first time in person makes my heart skip a beat... I get goose bumps all over.
I wonder if this is the same feeling a Father gets when he holds his first newborn.
Oh City Hunter I lay waiting ever so patiently...while my guitar gently weeps.