Again, that's for the big stars like RDJ.
How many in hollywood are like RDJ compared to those that can't take family at the expense of the studios.
It's a great career if you have no wife, kids and hate your family.![]()
Man, that PTSD did a number on him.
It's a double edge sword.
Studios will always search for the lowest paid actor they can make the most money from.
Studios fantasize of an actor being as well loved as RDJ but asking for the minimum pay.
But reality is they need to deal with a RDJ.
Actors on the other hand first pray for an opportunity to be discovered (especially for what's popular for the masses) then to be in a position like RDJ, but reality for them is that this is very rare.
At the end of the day, never feel sorry for the studios.
The amount of actors that can get away with what RDJ is getting away with compared to those that just survive is so low that it's almost impossible to give it a percentage.
Studios will always come out on top, unless you make crap like Wolverine Origins or hire Nova to run your studio.![]()
Actor's salaries are a drop in the bucket when it comes to these kind of tentpoles and Marvel is notoriously stingy with them. RDJ I believe is looking for points on the backend similar to what he had for The Avengers but is primarily helping the other actors in their negotiations. Scarlett, Hemsworth have already been threatened with recasting, Evans is looking for a pay bump but is contractually taken care of and according to rumors was even threatened with recasting anyway between Avengers and Cap 2 when he was looking for a pay bump or points.
Disney has a reputation for this kind of stuff and Feige recasting Norton to Ruffalo for not bending to demands and having it work just means that he will go into this thinking that he is untouchable. Feige will recast every single role to show his "power" and that's why the actors are banding together instead of going at it alone. RDJ really doesn't need the others, they need him for his star power and leverage and he knows it, why not get paid in the process?
Avengers 3 'the actors vs the producers'
No Black Panther = No money from me.
Some of the folk deserve raises. If its true Renner made less than 5 mil, he needs to ask for a raise. There have been new actors get paid that for their first movie. Wonder what they paid ScarJo?