Kaiyodo Alien Capsule figures

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Just got my 5 little Capsule figures in the mail today and I must say that these little guys kick some serious @$$!! So much detail for something so cheap. Parts fit perfectly, paint looks great, why can't other figures look this good at these prices? (around $6 each)

Here's a few iPhone pics..

Weathering on Kane and Big Chap's detail under the dome looks awesome! Can't tell by the pics, but the egg (w/hugger) is actually semi-translucent.

Here's some pics for scale. (Sano Alien and HT Dallas)

Pick these up while you still can guys! :wave
Pick these up while you still can guys! :wave

I hope to - did you get these off of eBay? And if so, any seller(s) you'd recommend? EBay-ing overseas always makes me nervous...
I hope to - did you get these off of eBay? And if so, any seller(s) you'd recommend? EBay-ing overseas always makes me nervous...

Sylvian113 is the eBay seller I ordered from. He's from HK. I'm usually skeptical about ordering from HK sellers, but my Capsule figs came in mint condition and with fast shipping also. I was expecting the worst (ie: duplicate figs) but to my surprise, they were all different and unopened (still in their individual capsules). They turned out great. I'd buy from this eBay seller again. That's my experience.

Good luck with your hunt for these figs! All alien fans should get these IMO. Cheap figs and they look awesome!
Hey, playa7! Can you help me? Would you kindly check out the hight of the astronaut?
I wounder if we could use him with huge HCG Space Jockey... It will fit perfectly if it's about 5 cm tall.

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Sylvian113 is the eBay seller I ordered from. He's from HK. I'm usually skeptical about ordering from HK sellers, but my Capsule figs came in mint condition and with fast shipping also. I was expecting the worst (ie: duplicate figs) but to my surprise, they were all different and unopened (still in their individual capsules). They turned out great. I'd buy from this eBay seller again. That's my experience.

Good luck with your hunt for these figs! All alien fans should get these IMO. Cheap figs and they look awesome!

I just ordered the last set he had available - hopefully I'm just as lucky. :pray: Thank you!
Hey, playa7! Can you help me? Would you kindly check out the hight of the astronaut?
I wounder if we could use him with huge HCG Space Jockey... It will fit perfectly if it's about 5 cm tall.

No problem, Kane or "the astronaut" is exactly 3 inches tall (or 7.62cm) including the base. The base he's standing on is about an 1/8 of an inch tall. Nice Jockey btw. I have the old (full size) Palisades Jockey. Maybe I can display him next to my Jokey as well? hmm..

I just ordered the last set he had available - hopefully I'm just as lucky. :pray: Thank you!

Cool, hope you get a nice looking set as well! That seller answers replies pretty quickly too, so if you have any questions, just ask. He sent me an email apologizing about having to ship my Capsule set one day later than he expected. He didn't even have to. But, that's some pretty great service if you ask me. Way better than some other sellers I've dealt with in the past.

Anyways, let us know when you get your set and post some nice pics when you can! :wink1:
Actually the full statue looks like this:


I've just send the jockey himself to my painter to repaint it, coz the original painting is:
a) really lame (the Palisades did much better work on their one!)
b) it's corrupting out of the statue.
I hate HCG paint jobs, they do not use good prime coating at all. Jerks.
Anyway, the statue is pretty nice and I'm still glad to local pick it up with some good discount.

Thank you for noting this size for me! So it's 7,3 cm. Hhhhhm... Check this out:


In the long shot they've used kids in suits to make things bigger when filming Alien 1. That's why the astronauts are so tiny in all the long shots and much bigger in close ones. PIC. 1.

PIC. 2. You can see the man standing on the rib next to Jockey. His hand lays on the hight of his shoulder, so his head gives him some more height. Looks like he's little bit taller than jockey's hand level. And obviously he has no space suit.

PIC. 3. It's about 5 cm. on HCG jockey from his base to his arm.

And here is PIC. 4, the close shot. Can you see how big they are in their suits? Not like kids on PIC. 1. And they all try to be smaller bending their backs forward. The suits are pretty hight and they have increased heads size coz of the helmet and lamps.


Helmets sizes equal to the jockey's head size. Ridley tried to make them smaller by filming it from the jockey perspective, but still they are pretty one size:


So it looks for me that Kaiyodo crew is good enough to use with HCG jockey, but they have some spare superfluous to the movie image - about 1 - 0,5 cm. But they looks pretty OK comparing the adult suits. I'm gonna pick one just to try. If I'll like it - I'll get 2 more to sew them and give them some other poses. Hope that it was interesting for you to read! :)
Yes, it was very interesting for me to read! You've put a lot of thought into the accuracy of your display! I can appreciate that.

I think having the Kaiyodo figures a little bit taller isn't going to ruin the display. I don't think anyone can even tell the difference except for hardcore Alien freaks like all of us anyways, lol. Besides, for $6 each you can't go wrong. Even if they're the wrong scale for your set up. They're great stand alone figures IMO.

Well, like you've said, try one and let us know how it works out for you. :wink1:

Oh and I'd love to see the repaint of your HCG Jockey. I dislike the paint on their Jockey too. That's why I bought the Palisades Jockey instead. But I do like the accuracy of the HCG version. Especially, the hole to the egg chamber. A nice repaint would make it it look perfect IMO.
Yap, hardcore freaks we are. :D
My congratulations with the Sano alien, mate. This piece is truly awesome!
Damn, I need HT Cane so badly... >< Still can't find some spare funds to get it.

BTW, saying honest, there is no accurate into-the-egg-chamber hole on the HCG one. It's my custom job. The original hole is just painted back-red like this. See? On the left? oO


And it's my mod of it:


That's the display of my dream. )))) Shot from the very old model kit.
And I really hope that I will be able to make it with Kaiyodo. I'll see...


I should get my jockey back in a few weeks. I will PM you some pictures if you're interested in, no problem. I also drilled and sculpted the chest burster hole on it before sending to painter. BTW, on this shot you can see how awful the pain is, how it's crumbling.

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I can't argue with that.
That why I've send it for the total repaint.

Nice custom job on your Jockey! Man, the paint peels really badly on the HCG version. That's messed up. Well at least you're getting it fixed. That's the main thing.

Anyways, took some pics just for fun. Since we're talking about Capsule figs and Jockeys. :rock

Maaaaaaaaaan, that's AWESOME!
It's just the right size for the Palisades Mr. J. Congratz!

This manufacture rocked indeed. The AvP1 Queen (yes, it's released as Aliens, but it's totally made of AvP1) and the Alien Warrior are pure gold too. Too bad it was closed. ((((

Ow well, I'll see what I can do with mine.
In the HCG jockey I really like the whole circle base included. I always liked it as much as I like the pilot.
Just to clarify, Playa7, that's the Full-size Palisades Jockey?

(Man, I missed out on some awesome stuff...)
Maaaaaaaaaan, that's AWESOME!
It's just the right size for the Palisades Mr. J. Congratz!

This manufacture rocked indeed. The AvP1 Queen (yes, it's released as Aliens, but it's totally made of AvP1) and the Alien Warrior are pure gold too. Too bad it was closed. ((((

Ow well, I'll see what I can do with mine.
In the HCG jockey I really like the whole circle base included. I always liked it as much as I like the pilot.

Yes too bad it closed down. :(

I kinda wished the Palisades Jockey had the extra huge base too, but in a way I'm glad it doesn't because I don't think I'd display it like that anyways. The base is too huge! :lol
Just to clarify, Playa7, that's the Full-size Palisades Jockey?

(Man, I missed out on some awesome stuff...)

Yes it is. There is two versions of the Palisades Jockey. Full size and a mini version. (Well I call it full size anyways. I forgot the actual version name)

I've recently seen a few on eBay if you are still looking for one. The mini version has as much detail as the large version. Just smaller and cheaper. Hope that helps.

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