I have owned a ton of Hulk statues over the years. The PF is best in terms of quality and paint apps, the comiquette had the best body sculpt and most dynamic pose, and the maquette for me is just the best all around Hulk to own as far as classic looking hulks.
Sure it's based on the film but personally when I look at it I don't think of the film.. I think of all the great comics.
for me I like the face better then the PF and Comiquette. The pose while simple is still very dynamic because of it's realism.
If it was solid like the PF, had an ES, and had slightly better paint apps it would not even be a contest (at least for me).But I fully understand the whole based on a movie thing but I just think that characters like Hulk and Iron man you can get either because they really are not all that different (depending on the artist of course).
Either way, now I will have the ultimate classic hulk (for me) and the ultimate Planet Hulk on the way! Can't go wrong there
